Wednesday, October 06, 2004

dammit, i was tottally going to be good about posting, but with classes taking over my life and me volunteering starting next week, i am strapped for time. right now i'm on a 2 hr break before a 3 hr lab after 3 hrs of lecture. if you find me dead from exhaustion later this quarter, you shouldn't be surprised, i sure won't be.

last thursday, i went to a club to attend a party. don't worry, there's more. so when we got there, me and tori find out that we didn't bring out driver's licenses and the only id we have on us is our UCLA Bruin Card. She uses it with the guard, and he lets her in with minimal hassle (like he asked her for her state id and she said she forgot it). i'm like oh cool, i can get in with my school id, right? but no, he starts telling me that he can't let me in with my ID. i point out that it's the exact same id that tori gave him, and he tells me that it's because i look younger than her. i get in eventually, but the moral of the story is that it sucks being almost 19 and looking like i'm 14. okay that's not true... actually, yeah it is. hey, at least i tried being optimistic.

anyways, things are becoming pretty routine around here. class, nap, study/class, work out, eat, study, sleep. and then procrastination fits in there somehow. other than that... nothing too interesting. i guess that would be another reason that i haven't been posting. im boring. sorry.

The Nightmare Before Christmas - What's This


Debbie said...

Yeah party on Saturday we're gonna Fuck shit up hardcore right? RIGHT? yEAH...that's what i thought.

Me! said...

hahaha yeah we are!