Saturday, June 18, 2005

haha, that last post has so many typos, even for me. i apologize for that, it's amazing what kind of a trance-like state i (and i assume everyone else) gets in when finals come around. and when i snap out of it, it's really hard to get back in it for that one last final. i was trying REALLY hard, but me and the two friends i was studying with (i was watching too much of the food network when i tried to study on my own) were so burnt out that instead we ended up pondering quite random things such as:

why is it that in those kool-aid commercials, they count blue as a flavor?

why do some farts smell and why do others not (i totally owned this one, by the way)

if you orgasm by accident lying on a vibrating chair while getting a massage, does that count as masturbation?

what if it was on purpose?

what if it was a vibrating man?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

