Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm back on the board!

I realized that I didn't have a post on this page anymore, and that's just not right. I don't wanna get kicked off... again...

Okay, so life's cool. My apt has to meet with our landlord about that party we had on friday for my b-day (which wasn't even very loud or crazy, because that's not how I roll), but hopefully we'll just get yelled at and nothing more. What lame neigherbors I have...

After that, on Saturday I went home to go out to dinner with my parents and celebrate with them. The most notable thing to come out of that is that I drove to San Diego and back all by myself for the first time! And it wasn't even that bad! Kudos to me.

I don't like people asking me about my love life, especially if it's just to tell me that they've found someone... so I'll just say it. No, a love life does not exist for me. Yes, I am still single, and I have no plans on changing that, I have trouble enough holding onto my friends.


Debbie said...

Yeah, well you're going to have even more trouble holding onto your friends if I hear about any more trips to SD without phone calls to one particular friend. Jeez!

Me! said...

dude! it was one night, and i had to spend it with my parents. but i am very sorry...

Anonymous said...

jen that party was like trumets it was that loud.

and i cant beleive you havent ever drive to san diego by yourself. you're crazy.

Me! said...

well i have now, silly.