Thursday, May 11, 2006


Haha, I don't know for how much longer though. I'm scared I have some sort of encephalitis or something that's attacking my cerebellum. I fell down for the second time from just nothing but my body being weird. That's right, that's the first place I go to: degenerative brain disorders. Not lack of sleep, not poor nutrition, but mad cow disease. Then again, when I found a lump in my throat, I was scared I had cancer. I'm crazy.

Worst thing is that the second fall was in a middle of a run. I had no phone to call someone to get me. So I had to run home with blood running down own both my legs from my knees. It was probably a very bizarre image.

Going back to crazy, no old men have hit on me lately, but a younger guy did last week at the free clinic. I know, I know, not NEARLY as weird as an old dude, but the guy TRIED to look like an old dude by growing a ratty little mustache. Yeah, you're right, it's a lame story. Um, I saw a strange girl's nipples when she flashed me and Joe as he was driving me home. But I think she was more hitting on him then me, so that's doesn't count either. Okay fine, no interesting people hitting on me stories right now, but that should probably be a good thing.

P.S. I love that Milhouse clip you posted leeann.

1 comment:

leeann said...

the joke here is that if you were to go to health services, they would ask you if you were pregnant, give you gatorade, and send you home. And they might give you a band-aid or two for the knees.

Take care, eh.