Thursday, December 21, 2006


Time's Person of the Year is YOU.

Both Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert made fun of it in their shows and I thought it was silly until I actually read the magazine and realized it's true... we make things happen. The Facebooking, Blogging, Googling, YouTubing, iTunesing, My Spacing generation is what it's all about. The UCLA taser cell phone video on YouTube is a perfect example of how many people are active participants in the Internet, how many people see the little things that happen around the world. As a future journalist (or, as a current journalist), this trend is very important to me. It makes my heart beat faster and puts a warm feeling of contentment in my belly... people do care. And of course, this Internet phenomenon makes my job that much more convenient. Remember the days of looking students' names up in the school directory? Now we just use Facebook.

And then I realized I have a blog and I should use it, after all my voice is part of this revolution too. I had a lot to say when I was in Spain, but my flow of words seems to have stopped since I returned. And then I come here and see that LeeAnn and Jen do use our blog and their voices. Of course they do. That warms my heart too.

I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow.

1 comment:

Me! said...

yay! she came back!