Friday, October 15, 2004

I think it's fair to say that it's abnormal at a college in Southern California to feel uncomfortable for being liberal. I was hanging out with four of my roommates just now and the conversation turned to my RA, who happens to be gay. They were all spouting their Bible-derived, ultra conservative viewpoints on the matter and I was just sitting there feeling totally isolated and angry. Now I wasn't about to get in a debate with four conservative roommates, so I just sat there quietly thinking, "Man. I really don't agree with any of this. How is it possible that people think like this?"

I guess it's funny that I ended up here. Me with my Kerry/Edwards sticker. All them with their Bush paraphanalia. It's weird, crazy, enlightening how people think so differently.

1 comment:

lindsey said...

it's not bad, it's just interesting, if not a bit closed-minded