Monday, September 19, 2005

It's funny, really. I'm so stubborn. I make up my mind that I don't like something and I convince myself that I really don't like it. Yet, when others form an opinion without giving something a chance I think they're so close-minded. After talking to Lindsey last night, I can easily see all my "flaws" and I know I shouldn't feel certain ways about stuff, but I think feeling those ways comes with being a girl. I can't change it!

*listening to Ashlee Simpson right now* (guilty pleasure)


Me! said...

haha, that was my friend's guilty pleasure too. he has a major secret crush on her.

juli said...

oh man, my roommate just bought a ticket to her concert in SD and I'm seriously considering going with her...

Me! said...

hee hee, if you do go, let me know how it is. i'm way curious.