Thursday, September 29, 2005

The past two days has been uncommonly hot in Santa Barbara...hotter than it was all summer. Perhaps the weather is a metaphor for my life, or perhaps it's punnishing the powers that be for starting classes now, rather than a month from now.

I'll be the first to admit i'm still on summer mode. I haven't been home one night this week and I haven't gone to sleep before 2. I have, however, been to all my classes, and I have written two articles. Think I can hold out?

The answer is no. I'm starting at the top and eliminating everything that takes time away from my studies, my journalism, and my beauty sleep. I'll start with work.


juli said...

it's been so hot here the past two days too! What's up with this crazy weather?

Me! said...

Yeah, same here. I dunno why I take showers anymore, I'm all sweaty two seconds afterwards anyways.

Anonymous said...

I'v heard that it's the Santa Ana winds, all of southern california is experiencing a heat wave