Saturday, September 30, 2006

I wich I could dance at 21...

...but I don't want to wear the clothes. I was helping my neighbors dress for their night out clubbing tonight. Tight jeans, cleavage-bearing tops, and too much makeup would make for a very self-concious Jen. Too bad, I was dancing the hell out of the techno beats playing at the Beverly Center yesterday.

On another note, an H&M opened up in Pasadena. I just have one question: WHO'S COMING WITH ME?!?


Anonymous said...

does it have dude clothes? or is it all lady clothes like the lame h&m in san francisco and paris?

Anonymous said...

haha, i think it's lame, but there's another one opening up at the beverly center that might have dude clothes.

Anonymous said...

good. i want cool h&m clothing