Friday, July 08, 2005

i want to know what you think about death. what's your concept of it? do you even think about it ever? i'm serious, comment on this please.


Anonymous said...

wow this is a dead blogger

Anonymous said...

When you die you lose all concept of time as certain neuro chemicals rush into your noggin. DMT is produced by your pineal gland located at the base of the cereberal cortex. It is believed to be associated with dream states and to a greater degree the experience of death. It is also a well known psychadelic drug used by various native tribes of south america as it is an alkaline present in various native plants of the region.

What is mere seconds of your remaining life will feel like years. What this experience is like would probably be dictated by your own psyche; much like dreams. It could be rather pleasent or it could be a nightmare.

As far as an afterlife of some sort, no there's none. Unless you consider the eternal existence of the atoms and molecules your body is formed of to be an afterlife. The calcium in your bones has always existed; it always will exist. and on and on.