Thursday, April 28, 2005

i'm tired and staring at the computer so everything's blurred. I don't think I can catch copy errors like this.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I find myself daydreaming a lot again. What is so appealing about making up hypothetical situations with peopel you haven't met yet? I read an article about advertising that blames all of this unsatisfaction with reality on our capatalist society (we daydream about better lives, and then acquire as an attempt to make it a reality)... then again it was written in the 70s. I don't know, it kind of worries me, all this pretending, like I don't think it's really that healthy. Then again, if I didn't daydream, what else would I think about?

Alright enough of this ranting and raving. I'm doing well. And yourself? I hope you're doing well also. And if not, I'm sure things will work out for the best. They usually do.

Oh yeah, and I have no summer vacation... summer school staged a coup and took over. But, like I said, things are going to work out for the best. (Secretly, in my head, I'm almost glad to be kept busy).

Saturday, April 23, 2005

San Diego is really quite a nice city. I don't think I appreciated it enough when I lived here full time. My family and I went downtown today to Little Italy to the annual Artwalk. There were tons of people, tons of art, and tons of culture. It made the city seem so alive and exciting - i've always had kind of a boring impression of downtown SD. But it can be happenin. (And if was 21 or'd probably be even more happenin. And hey, my parents let me drink wine at our seder tonight. I'm moving up in the world.) I was always under the impression that one had to go east to discover any real cities or culture, or at least up to San Fran. I'm not saying that San Diego's a real city, on par with Boston or any place like that, but it's pretty nice in its own ways. Maybe I should enjoy California first, before I think of getting out and experiencing another place. My parents always say this is the best it's going to get, and I don't believe them because I haven't seen everywhere else for myself. But maybe they're right.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Tonight I spent an hour or so with an old friend. This weekend I shall spend hours on end with another old friend at UC Davis. That's right, I'm driving all the way up there on Friday. Well, Thursday night shall be spent at UCLA to make the drive a little shorter. I will also have the wonderful company of my neighbor and future roommate , Mr. Webb. I'm excited for making girly drinks and remembering good times in high school. I'm not excited for the predicted rain. I'm also not excited for my accounting quiz tomorrow which brings me to my next point, I gotta go study!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's about that time...

That time when I start cursing the many activities that keep me out til all hours of the night, the business that limits my sitting around doing nothing time to, well, never, the constant running around that makes me forget myself. It's good I guess. I just want a little time right now to rest.

Monday, April 18, 2005

It's funny how I can go about my life for a year on a campus of 20,000 and never see certain people. Then, suddenly, a weird twist of fate crosses our paths and we have all-too-frequent chance encounters in the span of only a few weeks. This has happened this quarter with more than one person, some faces more pleasant to see than others. I wonder if this is telling me something about these people. Or maybe it is just a weird twist of fate.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Haha, oh Lindsey... you are also awesome. It's good to catch up. I have decided that next time any sort of group is in San Diego, we're going ice skating. I don't care how long it's been since I've talked to you, but we're going ICE skating dammit! (Lindsey must also be in town though since she sort of inspired it... then again so did Jen- whether she knows it or not!)
Juliann, you're awesome.

The rest of you are awesome too, but I am particularly struck by Juli's awesomeness at this moment.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Dear half What

I'm in a terrible mood. I didn't wake up in it, not like Alexander in that children's book, who woke up in a terrible mood, but I am in a terrible, inconsiderate mood, and I wouldn't mind chewing up someone's head right now but for the taste it might leave in my mouth.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

I thought of so many beautiful things I could've posted this weekend but I was too busy experiencing them to bother posting. The weather was nice, the company was good, and the stress level was down to a beginning-of-the-quarter minimum. It tastes like summer.

Monday, April 04, 2005

School starts tomorrow, today was my last day of Spring Break. I spent it shopping and doing various other odds and ends with my mom. Driving back home (SDSU home) tonight it was drizzling. The gods were trying to bring me back to reality and it's gonna suck. Maybe they were crying for me. Luckily I only have one class tomorrow. On the upside, I bought a cute new bookbag to take to class! And now I'm going to sleep. Luckily the time just changed otherwise I'd be going to bed before midnight, and that's just crazy!
"You squeezed my hand softly and said I shouldn't be afraid."
Andrew Bird, "Masterfade"

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I had the best spring break! I went down to San Felipe for two nights with 6 great friends and camped on the beach and danced and drank pina coladas and collected sand dollars. It was SO much fun. I guess any trip starting off with a muffin pass from one car to the other can't be bad though! I don't even know where to begin talking about the trip, so I'm not. I'm just going to say that all seven of us decided we're going back next year. Spring Break 06!