Friday, October 29, 2004

it is currently october 29th, 2004. physics can suck it. that's right... SUCK IT!!!!

really, why can't i get it? i end up just jumping around my room doing a weird type of "frustration bounce" (the next "lean back"?), convicted to the fact that electricity does not make sense. really, it's just magic, let's just leave it at that.

i'm also convicted to the fact that i was not meant to drink caffeine. it fucks me up in ways i can't even imagine. i'll just-be-going-on-and-on-about-that-one-spot-on-my-head-that-just-wont-stop-itching-speaking-of-itching-didnt-i-tell-you-that-i-dont-like-vanilla-ice-cream-anymore... and then i'll pass out. no work gets done, i can't concentrate, and i just spew random stuff at an faster pace than i normally do. at that rate, in no time, i would run out of random stuff to say. like this whole paragraph.

Blur - Coffee and TV

Thursday, October 28, 2004

it is currently october 28th, 2004. i am halfway through first quarter of my second year. and after a year and an eighth, i have finally found a decent sized group of friends of both sexes (that's right, i found a group of guys who aren't jsut about getting laid... well they probably are, but they aren't looking at me for it). it makes me very happy, and i have a group of people lined up to share an apartment with next year. the downside is that i'm seriously lacking in the studying and sleeping department due to said expanded group of friends. that, and i think i'm starting to talk like a valley girl... like, totally. right, it disgusts me too.

i am currently reading my favorite sections from "naked" by david sedaris, and it's making me laugh even harder than it did the first time i read it. really, read a book by this man. you'll damage your kidneys from peeing in your pants so much from laughing so hard.

Interpol-Leif Erickson
Two words: Red Sox

That is all :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Lindsey, our blog is still pink.

Do you know what day it is?

Happy 10/27 to anyone who knows what that means!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It was a rainy, cloudy day in College-ville.

All these Tuesdays are beginning to look the same. I spend the morning tired, soaking wet, and grumpy. Lunch perks me up enough so I can go interview someone for a story. I spend the afternoon curled up in bed, reading, and trying to be warm. Then, just when i'm about to go to class at 7 it starts to unmercifully pour and I am stuck, again, completely soaking wet from head to toe and late to wherever i'm going. Tonight I made the executive decision to ditch class and triathlon and see a 1960s artsy Italian film instead. But all that is behind me, because now i'm warm and I have a Spanish midterm tomorrow. I find it weird that i'm so utterly unconcerned about all these things that should be stressing me out.

Monday, October 25, 2004

un petit miserable

It was a cloudy day in High School-ville.

Not to exploit my pathetic state further for the sake of a post, but this ridiculous world of secondary schooling is getting a bit out of hand.

I've never seen an entire class of students (meaning the entire graduating class, including my English class) seem so completely worn down. It's funny because all the girls and the metro boys have started layering and whipping out their scarves, but it's not so funny because many of those little bundles of 85% acrylic, 15% wool are physically ill and mentally stressed--it's sad to witness and rather frightening when they come in droves through the hall.

There's a lot to do and I can't wait until November, when I will have 11 actual days of school to attend, a 28-page 2-section newspaper to publish, 4 days in Atlanta to party up, and a week of Thansgiving break during which I will decide the content of 85% of my applications!

So I almost got into a fight again last night... I'm starting to see a trend with my Saturday nights! This one definitely was not my fault, I was sticking up for a friend. Girls are so lame! (except for the cool ones who post on this site and the ones i live with :) )

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Goooo Red Sox!

and more importantly DIE CARDS!
Well I hate Blogger....

Bob Dylan sounds like so much fun! I wish I had known it was tonight cuz I can hear the concerts from Cox Arena in my room if I open the window. I figured it out when we saw the large amounts of old people leaving the concert at 10:30 tonight. I went shopping with my mom today and bought a pair of desperately needed jeans! (all of mine have holes in them) Then when I came home around 8:45 I was met by my drunk roommates watching Sex in the City. I was paiting my nails and someone mentioned the Hustler Store so we left immediately (I drove, of course). Well we ended up going to the Adult Superstore instead. It was really fun! We looked at all the dildos, vibrators, and "feels like a real mouth!"s. We saw edible underwear, furry handcuffs, counless varieties of condoms, lubes, and body oils, and these really fun stripper shoes! I enjoyed our adventure. :) I did feel kinda dirty after we left though. There were a lot of middle-aged men giving us these weird looks, kinda like "what are these beautiful teenage girls doing at a sex shop on friday night?" But we got home and played our game and it was a very... educational night.

Friday, October 22, 2004

It just occurred to me, friends, that I didn't actually say anything about the legend himself. Well, hey, go see him yourself if you want to know. Twas unlike any other concert i've been to, old and young alike mixing on the floor, people smoking in plain view, and this classic, unique sound pounding through the night. There was no opening band, there was no talking, just pure Bob Dylan and his band.

I remembered just now that a very special party was going on tonight and I was going to try to go after Dylan. One famous Freebirds' Horchata later, and I definately forgot.
Tonight I had the pleasure of watching Bobby D with Philly Cheese.

What?! I just thought i'd enlighten you all with the witty phrase on the door that I just came home to. I did see the legend Bob Dylan himself in concert, and I did go with my boyfriend (affectionately called "Philly Cheese" or "Motz" by my friends). Twas a very interesting night I must say, and an interesting day for that matter. Come to think of it, the morning was interesting as well. I'm all about straying from my routine and/or comfort zone these days. Today, come to think of it, was a perfect example.

Sorry i'm being ambiguous. I hate that. Mmmm, especially since I just had the conversation with my RA that i've been wanting to have. The one about my conservative roommates that I talked about, coincidentally, last week at this very time. Anyway. I feel enlightened. Maybe that'll make me feel warmer in my bed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

wow, i really haven't been to this website in a long time, and i apologize profusely. i've just been really busy. yes, my birthday was dry one,and consisted of 3 hrs of class, 2 hrs of bus riding, 3 hrs of volunteering, then finishing up a lab with my partner, and then studying for a spanish quiz. oh yeah, and then passing out. OMG! where'd my life go? i didn't even get to go mudsliding yesterday because i was studying. how lame am i? very.

okay onto other news... um, wait, there is no other news because SCHOOL HAS TAKEN OVER EVERYTHING!!! Run before it gets to you too!!!!

... Just kidding. it's getting pretty bad, but it's not THAT bad. my roommate had bronchitis and was home all weekend, as was my friend aneri, and my other friend amrita wasn't in a social mood. So i ended spending my weekend with boys, playing the "who'd you do?" game (edward norton or brad pitt? definately edward norton!) and poker.

okay, so really, that's it. again, sorry that none of it is very interesting, i promise i'll have stories of adventure and intrigue later. keep in mind that i'm really bad at keeping promises.


Reverse the Curse baby! Do you guys think the Red Sox can pull this off? I sure hope they can. I also hope you guys at least know what I'm talking about...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN! (a day late) I hope your birthday was DRY (weather-wise). Hahaha.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Happy Birthday Jen!!! I'd write more if i didn't have to study for 2 quizzes. Sorry, I hope you had a great bday!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

This flounder has found a sea.

I found my way to the English Department advisor on Friday and I declared myself an English Major once and for all. Then, in the same breath, I strode over to the education abroad office and tried to make some decisions about Spain next year. I think I have decided to go to el Universidad de Alcala which is just outside of Madrid, Spain. Now it's just a matter of finding a program I like. Things feel like they're shaping up, strangely enough. I have a direction to go in.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEEANN! (a day late...) You are definitely the coolest, dorky senior EVER!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Totally lost the Race

Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on they skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapped power,
Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life;
Thus though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.

-The Marvellous Andrew Marvell
(um, can you guess what unit we just finished in English?)

Lindsey, wonderful girl, keeping running (or swimming); you are timeless!
And you've definitely let your mark on the world. Your sister SARA who is FABULOUS spells it DEFINETELY!

I bet you're out partying it up like you're 19 years old.
Ross beat me to it. But I'll say it anyway! Happy Birthday to one of the best friends a girl could ask for! I love ya Lindsey and I hope you had an excellent day and an even better night! You'll get your present in 2 weeks :)

My Friends Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSEY!! This is your last year as an immature teenager! Make sure you make the most of it!
I think it's fair to say that it's abnormal at a college in Southern California to feel uncomfortable for being liberal. I was hanging out with four of my roommates just now and the conversation turned to my RA, who happens to be gay. They were all spouting their Bible-derived, ultra conservative viewpoints on the matter and I was just sitting there feeling totally isolated and angry. Now I wasn't about to get in a debate with four conservative roommates, so I just sat there quietly thinking, "Man. I really don't agree with any of this. How is it possible that people think like this?"

I guess it's funny that I ended up here. Me with my Kerry/Edwards sticker. All them with their Bush paraphanalia. It's weird, crazy, enlightening how people think so differently.

Monday, October 11, 2004

In case your head has been in the mud, UCSB has had two Nobel Prize winners in the past week. Party school? What?

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Exciting Weekend

Well I don't have any excuse for not posting anymore. Midterms are over and my life is really calm right now. I guess I'll tell you about my exciting night last Friday. It started with a couple games of Kings and then continued from there...

Daniel wanted to go visit a friend at ZBT and I was excited to leave the apartment so we got ready to leave with EJ, Jenna, David, and Bobby Brown. As we were shutting the door a group of four black girls asked EJ if they could use our bathroom and she said "I'm sorry we were just leaving." The night manager was walking around telling everyone if they didn't live here they had to get out and Bobby said "Yeah, I live here" and the girls asked him if they could use his bathroom and I said "Sorry, we're leaving" and started walking down the stairs to which one girl responded "Why you gotta say it like that?!?" to which I responded "Why you gotta act like a bitch!?!" and got in the elevator with my group. Needless to say, she wanted to kick my ass, but I was standing behind three guys so I felt pretty safe. Then we walked by then once we got outside and she started following me down the street yelling things about "Why you walkin about you skinny ass white girl? pretendin like you leavin..." I just kept walking and Bobby told her I was drunk and didn't know what I was talking about so I escaped without getting into a fight, but EJ and Jenna were mad at me for almost getting our asses kicked.

So THAT was my exciting weekend last weekend. This weekend was much less eventful, but fun nonetheless.

Friday, October 08, 2004

To make your Friday a little bit better

I'm taking the SAT II's tomorrow. Perhaps three of them.

This post courtesy of the High Schoolers Reminding College Students Why Their Weekends Will Be Better (HSRCSWTWWBB) Foundation.

(...or at least I figure some of you could have a laugh if you've had a hard week?)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

let's party!

i finished reading fierce people the other day. that book became really twisted really quickly, but i liked it nonetheless, most likely because the writing was incredibly funny (oh, that i could write like that). now, i'm borrowing the incredible lightness of being from my roommate. and after that i want to read some more david sedaris. perhaps me talk pretty one day. i really like the funny books. but you know, i have buttloads of hw to do, so maybe i'll just read my life science textbook. YES!!!!!

(7 hrs later)

wow, i totally worked my ass off today. i finished my pre lab, read for the life science lecture and my physics lecture, finished my hw for physics due monday, and i'm about to study for my spanish quiz tommorrow. damn, i feel accomplished.

Bjork - Alarm Call

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

My Lack of Courage

It has come to my attention over the last few months that what is really holding me back in this life is my inability to say exactly what I need to say when I need to say it. I think it comes from all of those years working in the customer service industry and having to deal with all the a**holes out there who just say whatever they feel because they think since they are not behind the counter they can treat you like crap. I have always said I never wanted to be one of those people who does that, but I think it carried into my personal life a little farther than I wanted it to. I can be at a nice restaurant and not get at all what I ordered, but I do not want to seem like the jerky complaining customer, so I just let it go and overpay for something I did not really want to eat in the first place. I let teachers give me crappy grades on things I do not deserve because I do not want to be that whinny student who complains until they get their grades changed. I am that guy who can never confront any of his friends about things that need to be said, even if it is truly a vital part of the friendship, because I do not want to be that uptight guy who just needs to let things go . I am also that guy who can never ever tell a girl exactly how he feels about her, because I do not want to be mister desperado. So in light of all these things I have decided that I am going to start asserting myself more often, I mean if that is okay with everyone else.
dammit, i was tottally going to be good about posting, but with classes taking over my life and me volunteering starting next week, i am strapped for time. right now i'm on a 2 hr break before a 3 hr lab after 3 hrs of lecture. if you find me dead from exhaustion later this quarter, you shouldn't be surprised, i sure won't be.

last thursday, i went to a club to attend a party. don't worry, there's more. so when we got there, me and tori find out that we didn't bring out driver's licenses and the only id we have on us is our UCLA Bruin Card. She uses it with the guard, and he lets her in with minimal hassle (like he asked her for her state id and she said she forgot it). i'm like oh cool, i can get in with my school id, right? but no, he starts telling me that he can't let me in with my ID. i point out that it's the exact same id that tori gave him, and he tells me that it's because i look younger than her. i get in eventually, but the moral of the story is that it sucks being almost 19 and looking like i'm 14. okay that's not true... actually, yeah it is. hey, at least i tried being optimistic.

anyways, things are becoming pretty routine around here. class, nap, study/class, work out, eat, study, sleep. and then procrastination fits in there somehow. other than that... nothing too interesting. i guess that would be another reason that i haven't been posting. im boring. sorry.

The Nightmare Before Christmas - What's This

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Oh half MORE!

Going going going going going going I feel like the freaking energizer bunny. I've been feeling like i'm doing too much, but I sure as hell don't want to give anything up. Perhaps things'll simmer down soon? Well, hey, speaking of political activism and...erm...doing too much, i'm off to see Fahrenheit 9/11!

Friday, October 01, 2004

I love Friday afternoons. Officially, I like them better than Friday nights or even Saturday afternoons. They're so sunny and so lazy. Swimming feels so nice when I don't have to run around places afterwards. It's lovely hanging around the suite doing nothing, looking foward to tonight's excitement. I love not feeling like I have to do something. And when pretty Friday afternoon music is playing, it's so perfect to drop quietly off to nap.

This Friday afternoon, I think, would've been better if I wasn't in such a poopy mood around lunchtime. It also might've been better if it wasn't almost over. I think i'll stick some more Friday afternoon music in my player and savor the last couple hours til the sun goes down.