Thursday, October 28, 2004

it is currently october 28th, 2004. i am halfway through first quarter of my second year. and after a year and an eighth, i have finally found a decent sized group of friends of both sexes (that's right, i found a group of guys who aren't jsut about getting laid... well they probably are, but they aren't looking at me for it). it makes me very happy, and i have a group of people lined up to share an apartment with next year. the downside is that i'm seriously lacking in the studying and sleeping department due to said expanded group of friends. that, and i think i'm starting to talk like a valley girl... like, totally. right, it disgusts me too.

i am currently reading my favorite sections from "naked" by david sedaris, and it's making me laugh even harder than it did the first time i read it. really, read a book by this man. you'll damage your kidneys from peeing in your pants so much from laughing so hard.

Interpol-Leif Erickson

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