Wednesday, October 20, 2004

wow, i really haven't been to this website in a long time, and i apologize profusely. i've just been really busy. yes, my birthday was dry one,and consisted of 3 hrs of class, 2 hrs of bus riding, 3 hrs of volunteering, then finishing up a lab with my partner, and then studying for a spanish quiz. oh yeah, and then passing out. OMG! where'd my life go? i didn't even get to go mudsliding yesterday because i was studying. how lame am i? very.

okay onto other news... um, wait, there is no other news because SCHOOL HAS TAKEN OVER EVERYTHING!!! Run before it gets to you too!!!!

... Just kidding. it's getting pretty bad, but it's not THAT bad. my roommate had bronchitis and was home all weekend, as was my friend aneri, and my other friend amrita wasn't in a social mood. So i ended spending my weekend with boys, playing the "who'd you do?" game (edward norton or brad pitt? definately edward norton!) and poker.

okay, so really, that's it. again, sorry that none of it is very interesting, i promise i'll have stories of adventure and intrigue later. keep in mind that i'm really bad at keeping promises.

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