Thursday, September 30, 2004

definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely

So far I have failed miserably in my attempts at being politically active this year. Or, if not politically active, at least knowing what i'm talking about and being able to say it. I did not watch the debate tonight because I was working (I am however planning on reading the transcript quite soon). I did not go to see The Corporation because I was working. (Or, if not working, recovering from class and preparing to work). I did not go to the Campus Democrats meeting because I went to the Triathlon Club meeting instead. I have a Kerry Edwards sticker on my wall that I got for signing up for the Democrats' mailing list. I'm signed up to help register voters next week. I want to finally see Fareinheit 9/11 when it plays here in a couple weeks. I want Newsweek.

Basically, by the time I get my shit together, November 2 will have already passed.

Presidential Pansies

I think I may be the only member of this blog who will be unable to vote in the 2004 election.

The Presidential Debate was... not interesting, enlightening, or useful. Last Tuesday, I interviewed Michael Badnarik, Libertarian candidate for president and David Cobb, the Green Party candidate. I don't understand how anyone can vote without having at least a 15 minute conversation with each candidate. How they can respond to an audience of one is a very interesting, enlightening, and useful bit of information.

I was given 30 minutes with Mr. Badnarik. He was riding in the rain to get to a press conference. He has a penchant for answering questions with rapid-fire rhetorical questions: "Would you want... Do you know... What if... And now what... Do you think...?" It's a habit that's irritating in practice, endearing in retrospect and just ridiculous in theory. He also talks in slogans. DAMN! I wish I'd been able to record the conversation. I need to learn shorthand.

I was scheduled for 30 minutes with Mr. Cobb but apparently his secretary double-booked him and the interview was cut down to 15 minutes. He was like your eighth grade history teacher (or my 12th grade government teacher). They only seem to know so much, so in answering my questions they must pick out a key word, work the little search engine in their brain, pick out a stock answer that might loosely fit, and tweak it just so that the answer is just convoluted enough to seem like it was sensible. I wish I'd had 30 mintes--maybe I would have gotten him to say something interesting. Or at least unrehearsed.

To wrap up this terribly long and disjointed post, I'd just like to ask what presidential criteria are important to you. I'd also like to say that Kerry and Bush are both unprepared pansies when it comes to public debate. Beating the public over the head with your main message, in the same words, again and again and again, is BAD FORM!

Et fin.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Alright I know it's still a month away but I was wondering if anyone knows what they're gonna do for halloween and what they're gonna be? I like to procrastinate by fantasizing about the weekend and upcoming events. I might be going to UCLA this weekend, but I'm not sure yet so I know Halloween is going to happen so that's my current fantasy. I may be going up to SB. After all it is the place to be, right? And someone invited me up to stay with them and it sounds like fun and maybe I'll actually see a certain girl if I go up this time. Anyway I think I'm going costume shopping this Friday and I'm really really excited (cuz I have nothing better to be excited about... Bio midterm? no). Lemme know what you're doing and what you're wearing! I think I wanna be a sexy pirate =D

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

In a complete contrast to the so very recent summertime, I am now consumed. Consumed by activity, by obligation, by interactions. My life is now defined by the people I interact with, the places I go, the things I do, and the information I learn. It's a good life, it's an exciting life, and I can't wait to see what new challenges and fun tomorrow will hold. Nevertheless, what I secretly long for as I rush from obligation to obligation during the day is that 15 minutes at night, right before I fall sleep, when i'm snuggled up alone in my bed and it's dark, quiet, and calm.

i miss your smile when i'm sleeping all alone
Hey guys, this is cool. We've got a little community going on and it's oh so much fun.
Midterms suck. I'm almost back to wishing it was summer again. These next two weeks are gonna be HARD! Tomorrow's my first one: Geography- this should be ever so fun. The class is supposed to be really easy though, so I'll hope that whoever said that is right. Thursday is my Bio midterm. I hate science. Luckily after this semester I'll finally be done with GE's and be able to do more of the stuff that I'm actually interested in. This week already seems long. I can't believe you guys just started school.

Happy birthday Annie and David!

Monday, September 27, 2004

first day

i moved in last night, and i've tried posting about it like for three times and finally got it right on the third time... and then the school made me register my computer which took an hour. so the fourth time HAS to work.

okay, so my first night started out shitty and then ended up really good. shitty because i had to play mom for a couple of really drunk girls, one of whom i had never met before. how is it that i can be mistaken for a freshman (in high school, mind you) and yet still be expected to be that mature and responsible one? however, later we hung out with some other not quite so wasted aquaintences, although the bottles of beers they were drinking were huge (read: HUGE; eric, you would have been impressed) and i think i've made a couple more really good friends. i'm really not sure how this year's gonna be, but i think i'll be optimistic for once and look forward to it.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Happy Birthday Megan!!!

Mr. Harvie, please don't lie

The laws of physics seem to be a bit out of whack today.

Mr. Harvie, the darling, with his crow's feet tanned into the corner of his eyes and those very hip little shorts of his, told me that in most places, the normal force will equal the force of gravity, so that I don't get sucked into the ground. He said in mud, in water, in air--it would be different, but today I've gone no place exotic, muddy, watery, or completely airy. In fact, I've only been walking up and down the stairs, pacing around my room, sitting in this computer chair for the ungodli-enth hour in a row, but I swear to you, I can feel the Earth slowly pulling me under.

Maybe it's the fact that I've decided that the physics SATII would be a bad idea. I never thought that the College Board could start controlling karma, too...

Friday, September 24, 2004

expensive restaurants

today, because it was last day working at the lab, my intern supervisor lady treated me and another intern, who btw goes to school with debbie, to lunch at the... *pause for thinking* indigo grill. now this place is high class. really now, the menu was one page long (hahaha, enough joking, where's the rest of the menu?), i wasn't quite sure exactly what i was eating because the food had names i didn't know how to pronounce (frisee? pignin? dhlaksjdlkh?), and the service guy was so polite and nice (cute too, not that i was looking... hee hee hee) that he gave us free dessert. perhaps it was my prize winning smile that won him over? or my ability to write run-on sentences like no other?

sorry about this, but my mind has a tendency to jump from one place to another, so on a completely unrelated note. i've been packing for school, and i find that i'm taking a lot less stuff this time around, and i can't help but feel like i'm forgetting something. and i really don't wanna be caught in a just-realized-there's-no-toilet-paper-in-the-house-too-late type of situation. hey! i can write run-on words too!

Edith Piaf - L'accordeoniste... she's french. *sigh*, i'm such an intellectual.

Teeny tiny teen

It's amazing how some people really cannot resist interrupting me mid-sentence with:

"You're so small!"

Many of them think it's okay because they are nice girls who say it in an "aww" voice, as if I'm a puppy who's been waiting all day just to get the pat on the head. This statement sounds very bitter, but really, it's not, I just am amazed because people don't seem to bring up other physical attributes like that. If I brought up, in the middle of a conversation with you that "You're so fat!" or "Your nose is so Roman!" or "Damn, you've got great hips for childbearing!" or, if you don't think those statements are equitable, "You're so big!" wouldn't you be rather bewildered, as well?

Take Three

All right, I've tried to post on three separate occassions and each time I've been unsuccessful. SO, let's try this ONE MORE TIME.

Today is Friday but it feels like a high school Tuesday. What I mean is that this year I have no class on Tuesday so I've got no beef with the day. But, oh boy, in HS there was nothing positive about a Tuesday.
I should be excited though, because tomorrow is my birthday. I'll have to give up the "But I'm a TEENAGER" excuse once and for all. I'm really not sure I'm ready for that. Twenty is OLD. I'll have to start doing real people things. I think my mom understands this: My crazy mom sent me a birthday present but she put it in a box that says "" all over it. I was overwhelmed by the size of the box and didn't even notice the company name until someone stopped me on the street and said, "What'd ya got there?". Oh, my!

It's funny to read the "I just got to school" emails and blogs. I've definitely been in school for almost a month and a half. Needless to say, the glow of the return has been tarnished by 3 papers, 2 quizzes days.

But that's all right. Tonight, I have a retreat with my NEW sisters (ADPi!!!) and I'm going to wake up tomorrow in a FANTASTIC mood.

Everyone have a great MEG DAY 2004!!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I felt like a freshman today. A greasy, grumpy, discombobulated freshman. I still don't have a major, I still live on campus, and I still don't know what the hell i'm doing. My classes were fine, i'm excited about my Spanish TA, and my English class was interesting even though the professor lectured painfully slow. This is the first quarter that i'm not exactly sure of my fourth class, so i'm trying some different ones out, but this hole in my schedule is stressing me out. I really wanted to swim this afternoon but the pool is closed til next week. I'm not going to get to eat dinner tonight, most likely, because it's time for me to return to the joys of copy reading at the Nexus for 4 hours. I'm excited to return, i'm excited to really show them what i've got this year, but at the same time I don't feel like dealing with it all.

Where's that awesome, unbendable sophomore confidence i'm supposed to have? I've been here a year, I know what's going on, i'm established, i'm where's the confidence that's supposed to tell me to calm down, take it easy, and enjoy this quarter?

My First Day

Lots of firsts are going on in my life right now. Just a few days ago I got my first apartment ever. It is kindof a peice, and it is probably going to collapse in on itself but I love it anyway. I am not even mad about the gross overcharging in which they rip off college students on rent, because I feel the price in which I pay doesn't really cover the cost of the roof over my head, but more the cost of the freedom and independence with which I now live. Today is also my first day of classes this year. I kinda miss waiting outside for that big yellow bus to come pick me up and take me away. Now all I can do is hop on my rusty bike and slowly peddel my way to the rest of my life. Another big first for me today, this is my first blog I have ever posted. So if it sucks, get off my back, they will get better!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It seems like I'm dying. I've been sick for almost two weeks now. Last night I couldn't sleep so today after I finished classes I took a nap from 6-9:30. When I woke up I couldn't talk. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm really tired of being sick though. I'm getting kind of bored. Every week seems exactly the same to me. My roomies go to bed really early (11-12) and then I'm awake for like 3 more hours... all by myself *tear.* I dunno why I'm just so bored. Actually last night was a good night. We all ate dinner together and then EJ had to go to class and Jenna and I watched Jeopardy (and actually got some questions right this time!) and then Gilmore Girls (excellent as always), then we tried to watch One Tree Hill, but we couldn't follow it because we've never watched it before, then EJ came home and Valerie came over and we all watched Real World. I dunno why, but it was just a really fun, laid back evening. I'm bored again though. Bored bored bored.... I need something exciting or at least something to look forward to. Tomorrow's the start of my weekend! I guess that'll have to do for now.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

the dangerous world of cliques...

*warning! venting post ahead!*

i find cliques fascinating, in the way that i'm kinda (read: really, but i've never been one to be able to make strong opinions) disgusted by them and what they do. i'm not talking about the cliques from the high school in the breakfast club (you know, the jocks, the brains, etc.), i mean a group of very few people (typically three, perhaps four, according to my observations), who are caught in their own little world, their own reality, and cut everyone else out of it. not only have they isolated themselves from the rest of the world, but somehow they've gotten it into their heads that they're better than the people they've decided to "reject." i dunno, maybe it's the cabin fever from all those hours spent with JUST EACH OTHER, thinking thoughts they believe no one else has even begun to fathom. whatever it is, i'm incredibly sick of it, like to the point of where i might physically hurl (large objects at the offending people... wait no, i'm not violent). i've shed too many tears (that's right, in addition to not making strong opinions, i'm so wimpy i cry over people... am i beyond help?), and been ignored or forgetten about too many times (really now, i'm not that small) in my life over the multiple times this clique phenomenon has made me wonder what the hell is really wrong with me. after many hours of speculation, i've decided that there's nothing fucking wrong with me. if you don't like me, your loss.

*end venting post*

ah... i've missed you blogger.

...and lindsey, you're awesome (tee hee hee).

Cat Power - Shaking Paper
I've been told that I should post and that i'm awesome by two half whats and i'm wondering whether i'm awesome because I don't post or those two statements are independent of each other. I'm posting. HAPPY?

I was just rudely awakened by my roommate's cell phone, and I promptly returned to the world of my new dorm room and having nothing to do. My rattling heater, which I just submitted a work request for, and my noisy refigerator containing only milk and cheese fill the early morning with pleasant noises. Actually, today it appears that I do have something to do.

Last night, I felt like a tourist at my own school. Me and some friends ventured over to the other side of campus (where I lived last year) for late night at the newly renovated dining commons, DLG (that's right, Jack Johnson). We marvled for an hour over the splendor of the place and the quality of the food. We then proceeded to tour through our old hallway and interact with the new residents of our rooms. We swore there was something different about the place, were surprised by the locked bathroom door, and we were friendly with the residents. We were told by an RA with a big head to be quiet in the hallway because it was quiet hours, even though class hasn't even started yet.

The year is starting off well. That is, socially, I guess. Classes and majors are a different story...

Monday, September 20, 2004

Yo biz.

It is a wonderful world.

2-4-6 days (do you remember, my dear graduates, the days when you classified your days by numbers odd and even? now, I suppose you have odd days even without classes.) are the worst. My mornings are dominated by short men preaching without really knowing (or so it seems) and my afternoons inundated with ... I don't know how else to put it, really bad big band jazz. And Mrs. Willcox (the music director) reminds me of the beast in "Beauty and the Beast." But only because of her very distinct nose. That's really the only reason. I'll post a picture sometime.

I'm reading about how Americans will more readily support rules, regulations and impersonality than will the Japanese. The Japanese, this book asserts, invest more in sensitivity towards others' needs, reaching decision through discussion rather than through a rude and rigid set of rules. This idea contradicted with one that had already been sitting in my head. The ideas fought awhile up there in the cavernous cavity (that's redundant, isn't it?) of my cabeza and then sat down to look at each other a good long while. Americans encourage distrust (damn the judeo-christian faith) and impersonality, but aren't the Japanese the ones going around killing each other with baseball bats because of all their pent up feelings?

I never want to be a native again; I think I want to study abroad all my life.
I'm so overwhelmed with having a blog right now that I don't even know what to say. This week the WB has all it's season premieres and you know what that means. That's right! Gilmore Girls is new tomorrow! I've been waiting this for so long. Rory had sex with Dean who's married. We finally get to see what happens. I'm very exctied. I think you got that though.

This morning I got woken up at 9:00 to the sound of jack hammering. It's probably one of the worst things to wake up to. It was non-stop and one of the loudest noises I've ever heard. They jack-hammered a whole parking lot. Today was my day to sleep in cuz I don't have class until 4:00 on Mondays. Why couldn't they have done it tomorrow when I get up before 9? Oh well, they're done now.

I feel kind of accomplished today. I've finished almost all of my poly sci reading and Jenna and I went to the gym and I watched David's dodgeball game and I watched 7th Heaven (it's gotten so bad...). Tomorrow should be fairly easy, I don't have any quizzes for once. Maybe I'll even go to bed early! Haha... yeah right

new beginnings...

ah, the first post on a new website. what kind of fun stories (and pointless arguments) will we get involved with here?

well, i guess to get started, i leave in a week for UCLA. i have more classes than ever (7 hrs on fridays!) and i'm planning to add volunteering to my schedule; however, (eh? like the use of a semicolon? yeah you do!) i am way excited to go back and see friends i've only been talking to online and on the phone. apparently my roommate is anticipating this year to be the best ever, so i should have some (maybe) interesting things for you kids to read.

to end, i'm going to write the song that is playing on my winamp player:
The Magentic Fields - I wish I had an Evil Twin

...and my first post is done!

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Alright! I apologize for the pinkness, but I thought this was the cutest template since Lindsey's being a slacker (haha, j/k babe, but I wanna blog!) and I love pink. I also thing this will motivate her to put the design that she made up. I'm really excited about this site and to be blogging again. I don't even remember if I know how! I'll work on getting blogger invites out to everyone who is supposed to be on this site.

Well for those of you who haven't kept up with me, I'm all settled into my new apartment and I started school 3 weeks ago (I hate you UCers) . It's been soooo hot here and my fan died about a week ago, but luckily it cooled down a bit. Also my wonderful boyfriend fixed it for me yesterday and today it got REALLY COLD! C'est la vie. Saturday began IM softball. We lost, but we actually put up a good fight! We were winning up until the last inning and we only had 9 players (actually 8, but we recruited EJ). I ended up pitching and I think I did a pretty good job except for the 3 run HR some guy slammed. Oh well. "We Tried!" (haha, that's our team name, I think it's so clever)

That's all the excitement I have to share for now. I'm sure I'll be writing lots for a week or so though. And I promise this site will look good shortly cuz Lindsey's awesome. Hooray!