Friday, September 24, 2004

Take Three

All right, I've tried to post on three separate occassions and each time I've been unsuccessful. SO, let's try this ONE MORE TIME.

Today is Friday but it feels like a high school Tuesday. What I mean is that this year I have no class on Tuesday so I've got no beef with the day. But, oh boy, in HS there was nothing positive about a Tuesday.
I should be excited though, because tomorrow is my birthday. I'll have to give up the "But I'm a TEENAGER" excuse once and for all. I'm really not sure I'm ready for that. Twenty is OLD. I'll have to start doing real people things. I think my mom understands this: My crazy mom sent me a birthday present but she put it in a box that says "" all over it. I was overwhelmed by the size of the box and didn't even notice the company name until someone stopped me on the street and said, "What'd ya got there?". Oh, my!

It's funny to read the "I just got to school" emails and blogs. I've definitely been in school for almost a month and a half. Needless to say, the glow of the return has been tarnished by 3 papers, 2 quizzes days.

But that's all right. Tonight, I have a retreat with my NEW sisters (ADPi!!!) and I'm going to wake up tomorrow in a FANTASTIC mood.

Everyone have a great MEG DAY 2004!!

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