Friday, September 24, 2004

expensive restaurants

today, because it was last day working at the lab, my intern supervisor lady treated me and another intern, who btw goes to school with debbie, to lunch at the... *pause for thinking* indigo grill. now this place is high class. really now, the menu was one page long (hahaha, enough joking, where's the rest of the menu?), i wasn't quite sure exactly what i was eating because the food had names i didn't know how to pronounce (frisee? pignin? dhlaksjdlkh?), and the service guy was so polite and nice (cute too, not that i was looking... hee hee hee) that he gave us free dessert. perhaps it was my prize winning smile that won him over? or my ability to write run-on sentences like no other?

sorry about this, but my mind has a tendency to jump from one place to another, so on a completely unrelated note. i've been packing for school, and i find that i'm taking a lot less stuff this time around, and i can't help but feel like i'm forgetting something. and i really don't wanna be caught in a just-realized-there's-no-toilet-paper-in-the-house-too-late type of situation. hey! i can write run-on words too!

Edith Piaf - L'accordeoniste... she's french. *sigh*, i'm such an intellectual.

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