Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It seems like I'm dying. I've been sick for almost two weeks now. Last night I couldn't sleep so today after I finished classes I took a nap from 6-9:30. When I woke up I couldn't talk. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm really tired of being sick though. I'm getting kind of bored. Every week seems exactly the same to me. My roomies go to bed really early (11-12) and then I'm awake for like 3 more hours... all by myself *tear.* I dunno why I'm just so bored. Actually last night was a good night. We all ate dinner together and then EJ had to go to class and Jenna and I watched Jeopardy (and actually got some questions right this time!) and then Gilmore Girls (excellent as always), then we tried to watch One Tree Hill, but we couldn't follow it because we've never watched it before, then EJ came home and Valerie came over and we all watched Real World. I dunno why, but it was just a really fun, laid back evening. I'm bored again though. Bored bored bored.... I need something exciting or at least something to look forward to. Tomorrow's the start of my weekend! I guess that'll have to do for now.

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