Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Alright I know it's still a month away but I was wondering if anyone knows what they're gonna do for halloween and what they're gonna be? I like to procrastinate by fantasizing about the weekend and upcoming events. I might be going to UCLA this weekend, but I'm not sure yet so I know Halloween is going to happen so that's my current fantasy. I may be going up to SB. After all it is the place to be, right? And someone invited me up to stay with them and it sounds like fun and maybe I'll actually see a certain girl if I go up this time. Anyway I think I'm going costume shopping this Friday and I'm really really excited (cuz I have nothing better to be excited about... Bio midterm? no). Lemme know what you're doing and what you're wearing! I think I wanna be a sexy pirate =D


lindsey said...

You know what i'm doing. Sticking around here and attempting to stay off the CrAzY streets. I don't know what i'm going to be yet, there was talk of a whole bunch of us being Star Wars storm troopers, but that might not pan out. I might just be Mr. Harry Potter. ;-) Or maybe i'll go thrift-storing.

Anonymous said...

im going to be a ninja

ps. i love ross

lindsey said...

sexy harry potter?

sexy storm trooper?


Me! said...

i can totally see a sexy harry potter working out, as for a sexy storm troopers, they're like covered from head to toe so... maybe not.

as for me, i have no clue what i'm going to be for halloween, and i have no clue what i am going to be doing. any ideas?