Tuesday, September 21, 2004

the dangerous world of cliques...

*warning! venting post ahead!*

i find cliques fascinating, in the way that i'm kinda (read: really, but i've never been one to be able to make strong opinions) disgusted by them and what they do. i'm not talking about the cliques from the high school in the breakfast club (you know, the jocks, the brains, etc.), i mean a group of very few people (typically three, perhaps four, according to my observations), who are caught in their own little world, their own reality, and cut everyone else out of it. not only have they isolated themselves from the rest of the world, but somehow they've gotten it into their heads that they're better than the people they've decided to "reject." i dunno, maybe it's the cabin fever from all those hours spent with JUST EACH OTHER, thinking thoughts they believe no one else has even begun to fathom. whatever it is, i'm incredibly sick of it, like to the point of where i might physically hurl (large objects at the offending people... wait no, i'm not violent). i've shed too many tears (that's right, in addition to not making strong opinions, i'm so wimpy i cry over people... am i beyond help?), and been ignored or forgetten about too many times (really now, i'm not that small) in my life over the multiple times this clique phenomenon has made me wonder what the hell is really wrong with me. after many hours of speculation, i've decided that there's nothing fucking wrong with me. if you don't like me, your loss.

*end venting post*

ah... i've missed you blogger.

...and lindsey, you're awesome (tee hee hee).

Cat Power - Shaking Paper


Anonymous said...

This is Tom. I don't want to sign up for this web site, so I'm posting anonymously. as Tom. so i'm not really anonymous. anyway, hey, don't fret over people who won't let you into their cliques. you don't want to be a part of that anyway. distance yourself from people with crappy attitues and you will find yourself content...in bed.

Anonymous said...

aha! I didn't see the "Or Post Anonymously" link until today, when I read the previous comment and thought, hmm, if he can post anonymously, then daggone it (no, I've never said that in real life), so can I!

Aaaaanyway, that was a cute entry and I hope you feel better after your wonderful and totally true realization-- "if you don't like me, your loss"-- and after writing such an adorable entry-- "really now, i'm not that small." hahahaha worry not, my little friend, there is one who is even smaller than thou.

Me! said...

thanks francie, did i tell you about that time at In n Out when this guy completely cut in front of me in line to order and when the cashier guy told him off he said to me "oops, i just didn't see you"?

juli said...

I know what you mean Jen. They're impossible to avoid. I know I've been in a bunch of different cliques and it always sucks to be on the outside. Luckily right now I'm living with two other girls so we're our own little clique and don't really keep other people out cuz there isn't anyone. Don't let anyone bug you, as you said it's their loss. But you might want to give them a chance, it may be totally unintentional and they may not realize they're doing it.