Monday, September 27, 2004

first day

i moved in last night, and i've tried posting about it like for three times and finally got it right on the third time... and then the school made me register my computer which took an hour. so the fourth time HAS to work.

okay, so my first night started out shitty and then ended up really good. shitty because i had to play mom for a couple of really drunk girls, one of whom i had never met before. how is it that i can be mistaken for a freshman (in high school, mind you) and yet still be expected to be that mature and responsible one? however, later we hung out with some other not quite so wasted aquaintences, although the bottles of beers they were drinking were huge (read: HUGE; eric, you would have been impressed) and i think i've made a couple more really good friends. i'm really not sure how this year's gonna be, but i think i'll be optimistic for once and look forward to it.


juli said...

Were they 40s Jen? :) You should see SDSU... someone is carrying a drunk person around everywhere; moms left and right. One of my roomies' friends even got arrested for being drunk, luckily he's 21.

Me! said...

yeah they were, i was going to write that, but i didn't want to get it wrong because i wasn't sure.