Monday, February 28, 2005

awww... my friend aneri jsut said one of the nicest things i've heard in a while:
HEYitsnedi: i think u will be an excellent doctor
lilbop85: awww... muchas gracias
HEYitsnedi: u are gonna be soo successful
lilbop85: i'm scared that i'm way too awkward though
HEYitsnedi: nooo
lilbop85: like i'm not professional
lilbop85: at all
HEYitsnedi: u'd be the cute asian doctor
lilbop85: hahahaha
HEYitsnedi: who'd be good w/ her patients

it's good to hear that i'm not one of those nerds who is absolutely lakcing social skills... cause i kinda like joking around and having fun with people, and if i'm going to deal with people for a living.. might as well be good at it.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Let's make Brownies

There goes interview number six.

So I'm staring at this guy's Brown sweatshirt, and it has a collar that looks as though the sweatshirt had its hood amputated, and a strange growth--the man's head--was coming out of the stump. I'd never seen such a thing; I guess ogling the phenomenon of the amputated hoodie made for good eye contact.

Do you remember the waiting month of March? I think I've anesthetized my waiting limbs by injecting second semester with more obligations than I sometimes care to have. No matter, by May the flowers will come and I'll know where I'm going to be for the next four years of my life.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Happy Birthday to my roomy, Ms. Jennalee! No longer a teenager *tear* they grow up so fast!
all right, so here's my view of the world right now:

1) ultimately, i am alone in this world. i can have friends, a very few of whom i can tell my problems to, but really, everyone's out for their own good, and i need to start also.

2) i am wasting my life away doing this stupid routine of class and boredom. really, the only thing i can look forward to is sleep, because it gives me a break from life, and i am allowed to be somewhere else.

gah!! i need to cheer up!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Worst day ever! 3 midterms, me being emotional, nothing is going right at all.

Thank God for Olive Garden tonight with friends. Kel's keeping me sane. And my roomies will be home soon!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I wholeheartedly agree with Jen.

It's nice to be in the loving arms of my family as my world comes crashing down.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

I went home for the weekend for the first time this quarter... this year really. I like being at home a lot more than used to, which kind of scares me. I don't want to turn into some isolated hermit who has lost the ability to enjoy other people's company. It's just that reality has either been painful or boring for the past several months, and, because I can't think of any way to change my reality (believe me, I've been trying), hiding away seems to be the only option i have left.

Wait... this wasn't supposed to be a sad post. Whoops, sorry about that.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Los príncipes azules ya no existen...

Now they tell me.
I had the best Valentine's day. I found out that Lindsey and maybe even Ross are coming to hang out with me on Friday night!!! Now I just need to find something fun for us to do...

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I just want my girlfriend to know I love her. ;)

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I'm writing a proposal for my writing class about how to fix people's distrust of the media. So I log onto the NY Times website, and the first thing I see is a headline that reads "Abbas Declares War With Israel." WHAT!? I scroll down ... "Abbas Declares War With Israel Effectively Over." Now i'm no headline-writing expert, though I am getting better. But that's definately misleading.
Today's a lonely day the kind of day that makes me want to change

I think i'm the happiest when i'm holding my breath and doing pull outs underwater in the pool on a sunny day. When it's quiet except for the bubbles, when the sunlight is reflecting off the water and making shifting shapes on the pool floor, when i'm completely relaxed and entirely focused on making it across without coming up for a breath.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Today I was trudging around the Arbor in a mid-day mid-week stupor when a girl with cute pink quarter sheet flyers cornered me.
"Do you have plans for Valentine's Day?"
I blinked the brain haze away and tried to remember. After a couple seconds I answered.
She looked at me in mild surprise and paused.
She recovered.
"Well invite your Valentine to..."

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

guess what? i found someone to share an apartment with! i just got her confirmation today. i'm way excited about this.

***excited dance***

... phew, that was exhausting.
Look at us, we post a lot.

Look at me, I have nothing to say.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Alright... I've come to a decision. People need to stop asking me for any time of relationship advice. Firstly, I suck at advice. Secondly, I don't know anything. People ask me what they should do when they break up and whatnot... I haven't broken up with anyone since Sophmore year of high school and it's not like anything mattered back then. "What should I get my boyfriend for xmas/birthday?" I don't know what to get my boyfriend! How should I know what to get yours? I don't know the secrets of relationships, I don't know when to call a guy, if you should give a guy your number, how to get a guy to call you, or anything! I think I just got lucky and found someone who works well with me... that doesn't mean I know anything. I don't give good advice! I'm good at listening, but that's pretty much it.

Sorry for my rant...
My only class for today was CANCELLED! I'm so freaking happy right now. For no real reason, I checked the blackboard website just hoping that class would be cancelled or something like that and it WAS. I just got a four day weekend, woo hoo!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I like Girls?

I am now in a relationship with Lindsey Miller (UCSB).

Now, if only she would send someone an email and do our freaking website! I'm changing it to the pinkest thing I can find if she doesn't do it soon.
i had a dream that i walked back from class and i found a whole lot of quarters in my shoe (my shoes currently are really old and have holes in them).

analysis anyone?

Saturday, February 05, 2005

i was riding the bus to my volunteering thing at this free clinic, and we were passing through westwood. i looked at this bench that had a picture with a big smile on it, and one tooth had been blacked out by a vandal. after looking a little bit longer (we were stopped at a red light), i realized that it was an advertisement for teeth whitening. i laughed really long and loud about that one.

i don't know if you guys heard about this, but eric found salar on myspace and we hung out with him like last week for shao's b-day. i don't have an account, but i must say if myspace can bring salar back to us, it's an amazing thing.

i spent way too much time looking for a new picture for facebook. i really didn't want to study for my chem midterm. but right now i'm quite happy with what i chose (you know you wanna go look at it right now... go ahead, this post will still be here when you get back).

no one wants to live with me in an apartment next year. i can't really figure out why... maybe i've developed some form of awful B.O. that only i can't detect? so, if you're gonna be in L.A. for an extended period of time, do let me know, unless you don't want to live with me either (*sniff*).

i do believe that is all the updates i have for you kids today. bye!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Who's going to Coachella?
So I was watching Conan tonight, and he's awesome sometimes. Tonight in his monologue he mentioned that Vice President's lesbian daughter was writing a book about her relationship with her father...

It's called "Why I Never Got Close to Dick"

aHahahaha.... oh man, that was hilarious... sorry- highlight of my night :)