Friday, December 30, 2005

By the way. I am formulating a new blog that will be my home while i'm in Spain. This way I can post as many pictures and invite as many family members as I would like to see it. I won't leave half what for good, of course, I just won't post as often. Address TBA.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Everyone's talking about getting kicked off. Really, I should be ashamed of myself. Ample time to do nothing but post and I have been doing nothing of the sort. Nothing really at all, for that matter. Here I am, halfway between Christmas and New Year's and still thinking Spain is further than less than two weeks away... the furthest i'm thinking is tomorrow. Maybe Saturday, because I would like to know what I will be doing for New Year's. But it's sneaking up... And I'm going to have to think about packing and how i'm going to speak Spanish and how i'm going to meet new people and pass my classes and... I sound like i'm dreading it. I'm not.

Monday, December 26, 2005


Wow, we must be getting older, people go back to school sooner and sooner, and some don't even leave in the first place. Anyway the point is, I have a week or so left in San Diego, and everyone's leaving me already! I guess this gives me more time to study (why am I such a nerd??) but *sigh* I don't really want to.

Another sign I'm getting older? I'm able to have better conversations with my parents that are more personal and less political. But there's still that damn language barrier... but that'll get broken down one day hopefully.

Last sign (but I noticed this a couple years ago), I have to watch out who I'm checking out. Some people just look so much older than they really are!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Three Inches of Wonder

It's amazing what a hot pair of heels will do for one's self-esteem. For some reason, being three inches taller makes my world just a little more beautiful.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Alack, Alas

I am home!


I'm sorry I have to post this link from SNL on Saturday. It was hilarious. Please watch this :)

It'll be worth your two minutes!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Hey, it's New Kid's Little Sister!

I'm sure you all ran out to your doorsteps or grocery stores to grab the paper yesterday when you heard that your neighborhood virtuoso had his mug in it.

Yay, Ray!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Okay, so before I get kicked off, here goes.

Past week's been pretty cool, I finished my finals on Monday (3 in one day! It sucked!), and my roommates were pretty much done also. So it's really cool, because even if I dont' find anything to do with other people, pretty much there's always something going on at our place, even if it is just a bunch of people hanging out watching trashy tv. Speaking of trashy tv, three out of the four of us have become addicted to project runway. Those people are such spazzes, it's great, and it's only the 2nd episode. Just picture them later on in the season. I can't wait.

I haven't been doing much in the way of partying though... oh wait that's a lie, I had some hypnotique last night. That stuff is so weird. Like you can smell and feel the alcohol but you can't taste it.

Alright, update's over. I'll be seeing 2 of the three of you on saturday!

Which reminds me... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULI!!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

As has already been proven, I don't do well when I have nothing to do. And I have nothing to do. And at day four of being home with nothing to do, i'm not doing well.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Update v. 2.0

Feels Like

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

An Update

Feels Like

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get kicked off soon if I don't post. My life is school right now and it's entirely too jam packed with end of the year projects and finals coming up to even think about other stuff right now. Please don't hate me for not posting and please come to my bday party on the 17th. Let me know if you can come and I'll fill you in on details later.

PS- Linz, of course it's okay!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Out of Desire, not Consolation

Yesterday, it snowed. Not just flurries, not just like the fake plastic icing in a can that you could spray on boughs in San Diego--no, this is snow! Three to six beautiful, bright white inches of snow!

And what did I do in it? I played ultimate.

No rants about ultimate here, they are inconsequential at best. Suffice it to say that frisbee in Warwick was colder than a turd in a freezer (not that I keep turds in freezers) and that this winter will be a time to make myself an ultimate machine!

Today, with the residue of illness still festering in my nostrils and muscles, I went to class and was revitalized, reenthused, reinfused by some sort of faith in discussion and learning. In my expos class, we had a discussion about the obligations of literature, and art, in there is any, and my preceptor, to my great surprise, deigned to mention that this is what our essays, or essays in general about art, should ultimately seek to answer. He set the dangling carrot down on the table briefly, and chewed on it himself.

Still, the ideas seem fleeting and self-indulgent, but I'm thinking there might be something to the objective existence of them. We'll see!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Wrought isn't a word. Rather, it's a word that doesn't mean what I think it means. It means wrought-iron fence. It also means "work." I need it to mean "filled." In my head, filled doesn't quite have the same connotations as wrought. But to everyone else, I look like an idiot.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Milton Essay Extraordinaire

"The fall was necessary to facilitate the growth and advance of the human population — it’s the reason all six billion-plus people of the world are not crammed into the Garden of Eden, having sex and pruning the trees."

My professor argues that our world essentially is Milton's Garden of Eden. I think he's going to laugh when he reads that line, because i'm saying that essentially all we do is have sex and prune the trees.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I was sitting at my desk this afternoon, enjoying the quiet of my apartment and the gentle arrival of the fog, when I heard a crash. There are door slams and bottles breaking, but there's only one sound that emanates when one car crashes into another. Outside my house there was a city bus stopped, and a little red car barely visible that had pulled out of a driveway prematurely. Then there were people, and two police cars, and two firetrucks.

I didn't look. I hope that since I saw no ambulance, and heard no screaming or crying, that the driver of the little red car wasn't hurt by the bus that crashed into his/her driver's side door.
I'm pretty sure it takes a lot of bilingual talent to listen to music in english while writing an essay and reading in spanish.

Hot & Bothered

They keep the rooms so warm here, no matter how chilly or swarmy it is outside. I've been in my room all day, almost (but not quite) moist with sweat, filled with ballooning dreams and misgivings, feeling my limbs like tenuously connected lumps of junk metal, sore steel and 6-tons of brass in each buttock, each arm, a stone of terrifying pain in my calf and slivers of worry in my shins; disgust at the courage that isn't there and the spiraling optimism; and I'm sitting here watching the clock tick by minutes that I'm not at practice.