Saturday, December 03, 2005

Milton Essay Extraordinaire

"The fall was necessary to facilitate the growth and advance of the human population — it’s the reason all six billion-plus people of the world are not crammed into the Garden of Eden, having sex and pruning the trees."

My professor argues that our world essentially is Milton's Garden of Eden. I think he's going to laugh when he reads that line, because i'm saying that essentially all we do is have sex and prune the trees.


leeann said...

I've never pruned a tree before. There goes your thesis.

lindsey said...

It's not my thesis, thank goodness, it's just a point. Really LeeAnn, pruning a tree is a metaphor for... many other things.

I was at a party today and they thought it would be funny to have me read "Dirty Minds" puzzles out loud. That sounds like a dirty minds clue. "pruning trees..."

leeann said...

I don't get it. Please explain.

lindsey said...

Pruning trees could sound like something perverted, i think. In dirty minds they give you three clues that sound disgusting, and you have to figure out what they're describing, but it's something innocuous, not the dirty thing you think it is.

Anonymous said...

What dirty ideas could you possibly derive from such innocent words as "pruning trees"