Friday, October 29, 2004

it is currently october 29th, 2004. physics can suck it. that's right... SUCK IT!!!!

really, why can't i get it? i end up just jumping around my room doing a weird type of "frustration bounce" (the next "lean back"?), convicted to the fact that electricity does not make sense. really, it's just magic, let's just leave it at that.

i'm also convicted to the fact that i was not meant to drink caffeine. it fucks me up in ways i can't even imagine. i'll just-be-going-on-and-on-about-that-one-spot-on-my-head-that-just-wont-stop-itching-speaking-of-itching-didnt-i-tell-you-that-i-dont-like-vanilla-ice-cream-anymore... and then i'll pass out. no work gets done, i can't concentrate, and i just spew random stuff at an faster pace than i normally do. at that rate, in no time, i would run out of random stuff to say. like this whole paragraph.

Blur - Coffee and TV

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