Sunday, April 24, 2005

I find myself daydreaming a lot again. What is so appealing about making up hypothetical situations with peopel you haven't met yet? I read an article about advertising that blames all of this unsatisfaction with reality on our capatalist society (we daydream about better lives, and then acquire as an attempt to make it a reality)... then again it was written in the 70s. I don't know, it kind of worries me, all this pretending, like I don't think it's really that healthy. Then again, if I didn't daydream, what else would I think about?

Alright enough of this ranting and raving. I'm doing well. And yourself? I hope you're doing well also. And if not, I'm sure things will work out for the best. They usually do.

Oh yeah, and I have no summer vacation... summer school staged a coup and took over. But, like I said, things are going to work out for the best. (Secretly, in my head, I'm almost glad to be kept busy).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dood, worry not, my friend; I daydream all the time. Like ALL THE TIME. I'll even have extended daydreams, in which if I'm interrupted in my daydreaming, I'll pick up in the storyline where I left off last. These extended daydreams may last months. Yes, months. Do I worry about myself? Well, I used to, but I've been doing it so long... it just seems that I don't know any other way to think, any other way to live. I don't believe my tendency towards daydreaming negatively affects the way I function in the real world, or else something catastrophic would have happened by now. It's a funny and different way to live, but I think you're okay, as long as you know how to come back down to earth when you need to.
