Saturday, April 23, 2005

San Diego is really quite a nice city. I don't think I appreciated it enough when I lived here full time. My family and I went downtown today to Little Italy to the annual Artwalk. There were tons of people, tons of art, and tons of culture. It made the city seem so alive and exciting - i've always had kind of a boring impression of downtown SD. But it can be happenin. (And if was 21 or'd probably be even more happenin. And hey, my parents let me drink wine at our seder tonight. I'm moving up in the world.) I was always under the impression that one had to go east to discover any real cities or culture, or at least up to San Fran. I'm not saying that San Diego's a real city, on par with Boston or any place like that, but it's pretty nice in its own ways. Maybe I should enjoy California first, before I think of getting out and experiencing another place. My parents always say this is the best it's going to get, and I don't believe them because I haven't seen everywhere else for myself. But maybe they're right.

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