I discovered that Joanna Newsom makes much more sense in person.
It helps that the Boston Museum of Fine Arts courtyard has an otherworldly weeping willow looming in one corner and other looming, luminous trees scaling the surrounding limestone walls, and that they lit the stage from below (as there was no roof) with the pink red purple light common to all indie concerts, because when she came on the stage with lemon and honey in a wine glass and her bangs grown out and hair flowing down behind her onto a similarly flowing dress, she looked like some nymph, druid, mystical creature taking her place behind the harp. It makes so much more sense to see all that and then hear her sing.
In other news, wouldn't you all think I was a lot kooler if I had a keytar?
Two comments:
1) Was it weird seeing that voice come out of her? Like I've seen pictures of her, and I can't imagine that singing voice with the pictures.
2) Yes. Oh god yes.
i love joanna newsom. jealous!
keytar + mohawk = rockgod(dess) leeann
1) It is not weird to see it come out of her, rather, it is weird to hear her speak in such a mild, average tone, and then do her Appalachian sorceress open-mouth howl. There are moments that sound so much more beautiful than recordings, though.
2) I didn't tell the story, but this was during the MFA's college night, which was free with a student ID. My friend Jen (as it happens) and I went at 8 right when it started to make sure we got tickets, but by the time the monstrous crowd was inside the museum, the coordinators were already holding up "Joanna Newsom concert is FULL" signs. So we, pissed and sad, went to the cookie room to stuff our faces before we sulked through the galleries and went hom. Coming out of the cookie room, I overheard a volunteer whisper to a bunch of kids that they were letting 20 more people in, so I shuffled on over there and got swept inside with the extra 20. There Jen and I rejoiced under the weeping willow. Happy dance!
3) So I was actually planning on getting a major haircut sometime soon. I'll take it into consideration.
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