Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Annual Call for Bone-throwing?

Yes, it has occurred to me that the fact that I have time to compose blog posts that long means that I don't have enough to do. (It's true.)

It also occurs to me that blogs with a set theme (Taiwanese politics, Ultimate, food porn, etc.) are usually more fun to read and that if I perhaps set myself to some purpose it might better keep me from sharing too much about my personal life.

I also realize that I usually post to this as if I am posting to an audience, but an audience of no one I know, which is entirely false. (In fact, I can think of only two people who might be struck to check this blog on a semi-regular basis, and they know me quite well.)

And of course the last thought is that Halfwhat's hit another wall whereat there's too much of my beans spilled on the wall and Jen, Lindsey, and Juli have once again lost their appendages to gangrene, margaritas, and flesh-eating bacteri. Sad.

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