I should make a photo essay.
LeeAnn predicted that the troops would come back to Half What in September, and it seems as if she was right. September is a good time to start and finish things. The good news is that my calender is just a little more crowded this month than last month (not just because i'm going to see Andrew Bird this weekend and Rilo Kiley next weekend), and my e-mail inbox and phone are just a just a little more happening since I applied for a billion jobs last week. I don't want to talk about it until I have a little money in my bank account and a couple more pairs of black pants in my closet, but I feel like i'm standing with my bathing suit on and my toesies over the lip of a bright, sunny, glistening pool (to steal a well-worn metaphor from a good friend). The only problem is they left the cover on. So i'm waiting for them to take it off. They're beginning to peel it back.
Thankfully, vats of water aren't the only thing that will keep me cool this week, because it suddenly got a little bit cooler. Beginning: today. And last weekend. In fact, while my family was complaining about the 90 degree heat and lack-of-power in California, I was lounging in the cool evening on Navy Pier, having just survived a trip on the Ferris Wheel. But yesterday it was disgusting. And I know I have to buy a big damn winter coat soon, and i'll be complaining about the cold in a few short months, but right now this respite is nice. My little hidden kitchen in the back of the house with no windows and no air circulation needs a break from the humidity. And my skin needs a break from the harsh, dry (but cold) air of my old little window air conditioner.
I still have yet to decide what warrants posting on a la deriva, and what on Half What. But what the hell, it's September, I belong here.
There were a lot of whats in that sentence.