Gee whiz, I'd forgotten how clever journalists can be. What a linguistic gem. (I don't mind so much the man's repeated drooling, printed messes of unbridled joy only because they're over my deserving brother, but really? I wish someone else would write about you, already. This guy makes me vom a little in my mouth every time I read . Lindsey, do you think you could plug Ray in the Jewish World News?)“I was afraid when I first met them that they'd be like their onstage personas, but they're all really nice guys,” Suen said of his Louis XIV band mates. “I have come to realize, though, that none of my pants are tight enough to be in this band.”
Considering his prodigious musical skills, Suen's wardrobe shortcomings won't be a problem.
Oh, but who am I kidding, I love Ray enough to smile at things like this:
[Suen's] new gig came about after O (of fluf and Reeve Oliver fame) recommended him as perhaps the only violinist in town who could single-handedly fill the role of the 30-piece, Electric Light Orchestra-inspired string section featured on Louis XIV's next album, due out early next year.So baller.
Read more here.
1 comment:
Wow, the Tribune (not to be confused with the Tribune near me) really likes Ray.
Unless Ray has become Jewish since I last talked to you, I'm afraid there won't be much of a place for him in the World Jewish Digest. Unless he goes and plays in Israel. Then, maybe.
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