Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I went for a run today in the fading 4:30 light. I was anticipating it getting dark fairly soon, so I set off fast, hoping to get at least a lap around the lagoon in before night set in. It didn't get dark, so I kept going and going, and going and going. When I finally stopped, it was dark. Damn it felt good. I guess I was just in one of those oh-so-rare running moods.


juli said...

Good for you! Our gym is so crowded now I don't wanna go.

lindsey said...

Oh I totally know what you mean. Same here! You have to wait 15 mins for the treadmills, 20 mins for the ellipticals...the weight room is a mess of sweaty guys. Ick. I still go to use the pool and the weight room, but it's soo annoying.