Wednesday, January 12, 2005

It's funny thinking about how blogging has changed for me over the years. I remember when we first started The Hankerchicks blog, we'd all post almost everyday about what happened at school and silly little inside jokes to each other. I guess our friendships sorta changed along with the blogging. It's weird to think about.
I don't have the same kind of friendships I had in high school... especially freshman year. A group of friends who would hang out every Friday afternoon without fail. Now I have my roommates, but they're not the same. I can hardly talk to one of them anymore. At the beginning of the year we'd hang out a lot, but that changed pretty fast. I'm not quite sure why.
I find myself lying awake trying to figure out who I want to live with next year, which is what really made me start thinking about all this, I think. I'm too anal to live with people. I can't stand it when people make any sort of mess and don't clean it up. If you wanna have a messy room, I'm fine with that, that's your area, but when the kitchen is dirty, I get upset. And no one takes out the trash. I always do, but right now I'm on a strike. It was full last night and then EJ put more stuff in it. I'm not taking it out this time!
However, I don't like being alone therefore I can't live by myself. I'm not an independant sort of person. I just don't know...
This is what blogging used to be. Me going on rants about stuff that no one cares about except me. Who wants to live with me next year?!?! =D


Me! said...

wow... it's like you read my thoughts.

lindsey said...

I want to live with you. My perfect housing opportunity fell through. :-(