Tuesday, August 30, 2005
At the risk of sounding like a pop culture junkie, I caught part of the MTV awards show yesterday. The part where Dane Cook performed. And no one laughed. Really, there was complete silence. Maybe the jokes about shooting babies and guys who wear Superman shirts were in bad taste for that event, but I was laughing and knee slapping the whole time. I knew there was something wrong with those gosh darn celebrities! They have no sense of humor! But Dane took it all in stride and smiled the whole way because he knows he is a damn good looking guy, he's funny, and he's getting head no matter what. So this post (get it? post rhymes with toast? AHAHAHAHA!) is to you Dane.
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Change? I'm emotionally frail, gingerly materialistic, and totally digging mary jane and loafer pumps, and dustbusters, and appreciating people, who after all these years, are still finding things to say to me. So go Marc Jacobs, Yves Saint Laurent, Black & Decker, and viewers like you.
And my k12 life is slowly dusting its way into bags and boxes and bags.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Now that Lindsey has brought the whole idea of change, it has caused me to think about how I've changed since school. Well no, that's a lie, I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately. I guess that's what I get for not being able to fall asleep until 5 am cause it's so damn hot. Plus, I'm at home on a Saturday night writing this piece that no one will ever read because they're too damn lazy to read anything longer than 5 lines, you figure out how busy I am. I know every year that I've been at college I've gone through some sort of identity crisis (you know, the standard emo "what the fuck is wrong with me?" thinking) and that I have had to deal with a lot of dumbasses... the worst kind of dumbasses too, like the ones who don't realize that they are dumbasses and mistake their stupidity for coolness. No, I don't enjoy spending my entire dinners listening to guys try to one up each other with their stories of the craziest thing they ever did with a knife with one ear and girls giggling about inside jokes and trash talk that isn't even that funny with the other (BIG shocker!). However, I have noticed throughout these past couple of years, that I have found people that I can count on no matter what, and I know that not a lot of people can say that. Also, in my great introverted reflection on the recent past I've remembered the kind of person I want to be... now I just have to make sure that I have a strong enough hold on that idea that I won't go through another period where I want to be like every other mall-loving-giggling-about-stupid-things-pretending-to-not-give-into-chauvanism-but-will-really-be-any-guy's-bitch-for-a-kiss-Family-Guy-loving person out there (*disclaimer: I actually really do like Family Guy, it's a really funny show, but for goodness sake people, don't make it your god).
Wow, talk about it being blunt 'n sassy day. And yes, it does feel good to whine. TAKE THAT BIOTCH!!!
Wow, talk about it being blunt 'n sassy day. And yes, it does feel good to whine. TAKE THAT BIOTCH!!!
Lately i've been liking things that I never thought I would like. I bought a pair of high heels, I wear nail polish, I wear skirts almost every day, beer and wine are growing on me, sushi with any kind of fish is good, it's fun to go crazy every once in awhile... Maybe it's good to be adventurous; I feel like i'm changing for the better. Yet even so, I look up at the personal crest I made senior year and most of the fundamental traits are still the same. What does that say? Good things, I guess.
Friday, August 26, 2005
I always felt lame on job apps or resumes when you're supposed to put your computer skills because I really don't have any extraordinary ones. Word? Everyone knows word. Powerpoint? We learned that in ninth grade. Well now friends, perhaps it's not extraordinary, but now I can put Excel. Today is data entry day in the exciting world of entry-level journalism and I am the star. At least i'm getting paid. That's right, three whole dollars more than I get for selling books and membership cards to the snobs and tourists of Santa Barbara.
Today is also blunt 'n sassy day.
Today is also blunt 'n sassy day.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I swear that I just took my SATs, and now I have to study for another standardized test?! The MCAT is like the same thing, except longer (8 hrs total, including a 1 hr lunch break), with essays, and I want it to die even more. I've been working on it all summer, and I'm not getting any better. Grr... back to the books...
I really like home.
When I was in high school I used to make excuses so I could stay in the house and laze around (that's my nerdy secret). My first two years of college I wished for those lazy days and nights, but there's just something about the dorms that's unwelcoming so I went out as much as possible. The first part of this summer was so busy I had no time to laze around my apartment, but that made me long for it even more. Now I have my free time, and it's glorious. If you need me, I'm at home.
When I was in high school I used to make excuses so I could stay in the house and laze around (that's my nerdy secret). My first two years of college I wished for those lazy days and nights, but there's just something about the dorms that's unwelcoming so I went out as much as possible. The first part of this summer was so busy I had no time to laze around my apartment, but that made me long for it even more. Now I have my free time, and it's glorious. If you need me, I'm at home.
What the "H" Cookie?!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Countdown to ...
Places, places, places-- my summer's been defined by the roadmap of San Diego; if I was in a movie montage of me reminiscing about the Summer of 05, I'd be pushing colorful pins into Vista, San Marcos, Leucadia, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Clairemont, Hillcrest, and Downtown San Diego. I was no globetrotter, but I'd say that the cumulative number of hours spent sitting in traffic on the 5, 78, and 15 would add up to a trip to Europe. If only I could get frequent flier miles for filling up on gas.
I'm more than half-packed for Boston and I've got 16 slow, precious, molasses days left to endure in San Diego. With a little bit of luck, they will pass quicker than I can say "I miss burritos, the beach, and Manhattan Giant Pizza."
I'm more than half-packed for Boston and I've got 16 slow, precious, molasses days left to endure in San Diego. With a little bit of luck, they will pass quicker than I can say "I miss burritos, the beach, and Manhattan Giant Pizza."
Monday, August 22, 2005
I'm barely a day back from a week vacation on a cruise trip, and already reality is harsher than I remember. It's sweeted by such things as promotions - i'm no longer just an intern and i'm getting paid — but unfortunately achievements and visions of success can't fill all voids and heal all wounds. Welcome home.
Monday, August 01, 2005
I had a great weekend in Santa Barbara last weekend, Jenna came down during the week, and then this weekend I went up to Glendora (in LA) with Kel and Sam and went to Kel's cousin's bday party. It was so much fun and I was so full even when I went to bed. I got to meet all of Kel's high school friends, which was really cool. So I really can't complain about things going badly lately. Unfortunately, my 17 year old cat, Tina has been sick. My mom told me that she passed away last night. Even while many of you may be thinking "oh big deal, one of Juli's cats died," it is a big deal. I've had Tina forever and she was the most awesome cat ever. I'm really upset about it, but luckily things are going really well for me lately. So if you see me moping, you'll know why.
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