Friday, November 25, 2005

I'm sorry for not posting very often, but I really haven't had too much to say. Like there's a lot on my mind, like I've been spending a lot of time just lying around thinking because for some reason I dont' want to do anything else, but nothing that really deserves to be written about really. Plus, there's always a lot on my mind, my neck is sore my head so damn heavy... HAHAHAHAHA!
ANYways, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do over the next summer. I really want to travel somewhere, but not in a study abroad or school/company/intership travel program manner because that's just way too expensive and I still need to time to fill out med school apps and take the MCATs again if I need to. I need something more flexible. Anyone wanna go somewhere with me? I'm not all too picky as to where, just anywhere but here. Speaking of the Ataris, they have samples of new songs posted on their myspace page... and I've decided that I agree that it is weird that bands have myspace pages.

Ever reach that stage of tiredness where you want to go to sleep, but you're so lazy that you don't want to get ready for bed?

Told ya I didn't have too much to say.

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