Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Oh please, EVERYONE's heard of THEM...

Everytime I keep thinking that I'm not as into music as a used to be due to my growing resentment towards the attitudes people take on music (fine, no one's heard of your new favorite post-modern ethereal 20-piece musical discovery... it doesn't make it good, it just makes you a douche), I find myself listening to 10 new cds all in one sitting. I have to listen to music when I wake up in the morning, when I study, when I go to sleep. As music scenes merge, divide, and fight, I just have to keep on listening...


Anonymous said...

Well, my favorite indie/emo band is Copper Penny Rusting at the Bottom of a Fountain of Lonely Tears also known as CPRATBOAFOLT. OMG you've never heard of them?

Debbie said...

hahaha ^ he's funny.

music is 100% satisfaction. i enjoy it. lots.