Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ultimate Post

I am making a new calendar.

I love making new calendars, new schedules, new plans. There is so much potential I can just feel it; I could work it and squeeze it like meat through a grinder. (What a weird simile. I was thinking something juicy and mushy and a little bit gross but powerful. Did I tell you guys that I'm a vegetarian now?)

I am making a calendar for Quasar. A list of skills, a schedule for fitness, some ideas for parties, some hopes for new tournaments. I wonder if everyone feels this way before the start of the season: excited without reserve, cruising full speed in no direction without the drag of frustration because nothing has actually begun or failed. It's much faster to type out a list of skills you'd want to see by December than it is to teach a rookie to throw a accurate, flat forehand with enough spin. But I can't see any downside to excessive buoyancy of spirit at this point. I've got further to fall, yes, but I also have that much more resistance to the downward pull. Besides, our crowd is so social this year (my own class alone can carry a raucous party or a 12-hour car ride: Harvard's ultimate frisbee class of 2009 is not only large, but diverse, friendly, and good-humored) that even if the technical things don't pan out quite right, it's going to be a lot of great camaraderie, stupid inside jokes, and very good mix CDs.

1 comment:

ultyhogwash said...

Good to be excited, energetic. You'll probably need it all. :)