Thursday, December 30, 2004

Blogger in Chinese

Wishing you all a happy new year, and remember that cup o' kindness when you get there.

(I'm going to hit 2005 16 hours before the San Diegans will. Here, I suppose, it's also going to be the year 94. I'll get back to you when I understand why.)

By the way, when you're in Taiwan, blogger is in Chinese. My hands are frozen blue because of the air conditioning in my dad's office that I can't turn off, but otherwise I'd tell you about my two weeks on this little island.

(If you liked Oliver & Company, you'd love it here. I don't know about the stray dogs in other parts of the U.S. or world, but here they go in gangs that walk , sashay, and sniff across the streets like nobody's business. Seven or eight dogs of every color, size and tail situation just staring down cars without a fear in the world. It's always great to see the littlest of the bunch go double-time but cool as you please to keep up with the rest. Those dogs are smart as hell. Wazow.)

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