I'm so excited about going to Vegas next weekend to celebrate Shao. We're gonna have so much fun! I'm also excited about no class Tuesday night so I can go to Taco Tuesday =D. It's the little things like Taco Tuesday.
PS- if any of you are thinking of driving drunk just call me and I'll come kick your ass for even thinking about it. People are so irresponsible! Seriously one of the dumbest things you could do and it could ruin your whole life. Just try not to be dumb, okay guys? Thanks.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I see that Half What is still going strong, even in my absence. Good job.
I regret to inform you... actually, I don't really regret it at all... that I have no scandalous stories to tell you.
I have a date tonight. I wonder whether Spaniards go on dates at night like Americans, or during lunchtime, since that's the biggest meal of the day. I wonder if they go on dates at all. I wonder when they eat in restaurants, because there aren't really that many restaurants that i've seen, just a hell of a lot of bars with tapas.
I regret to inform you... actually, I don't really regret it at all... that I have no scandalous stories to tell you.
I have a date tonight. I wonder whether Spaniards go on dates at night like Americans, or during lunchtime, since that's the biggest meal of the day. I wonder if they go on dates at all. I wonder when they eat in restaurants, because there aren't really that many restaurants that i've seen, just a hell of a lot of bars with tapas.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
What's your favorite Cezanne?
My car is sad. It's missing a tire. It blames LA potholes and mean drivers.
So we're driving along Wilshire to go see Brian Regan at the Wiltern and Joe's driving my car because everyone else seemed to abhore the idea of driving except for him but we were running late and he couldn't go get his car so he ended up driving mine. There's like a series of potholes ahead and our driver tries to avoid them by changing lanes, but the mean guy won't let us change. So we hit the potholes, I see my hubcap flying off into the sidewalk, ask "Is that my hubcap?" turn down the window to find out and hear a hissing noise from the front tire. Already running late, we drive on the flattening tire to the Wiltern and just make it.
On the upside, Brian Regan was hilarious.
So we're driving along Wilshire to go see Brian Regan at the Wiltern and Joe's driving my car because everyone else seemed to abhore the idea of driving except for him but we were running late and he couldn't go get his car so he ended up driving mine. There's like a series of potholes ahead and our driver tries to avoid them by changing lanes, but the mean guy won't let us change. So we hit the potholes, I see my hubcap flying off into the sidewalk, ask "Is that my hubcap?" turn down the window to find out and hear a hissing noise from the front tire. Already running late, we drive on the flattening tire to the Wiltern and just make it.
On the upside, Brian Regan was hilarious.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I have been, of late, looking for a word which will eradicate curse words from my daily vocabulary. A few days ago, I was thrilled to find that "Bugger!" had entirely replaced shitdamnassholepissfuckcuntcocksuckermotherfucker* as the response to unpleasant, surprising, frustrating, or otherwise aggravating events. However, last night, Lucy and Ellen were kind enough to inform me that "bugger," rather than signifying say, an insect, is actually verb which means to sodomize (You see, Lucy, there is a more genteel way of defining it than "Butt fuck," although I guess butt fuck carries the same lewd implications). Anyhow, I can't say "bugger" in good conscience any more. Lucy has suggested "pants," with a British accent, but I've yet to warm up to the idea. Let me know if you have any suggestions for a clean expletive. Doggone and any sort of long Italian phrase that means something to the effect of "Tarnation on the cruel, blasphemous winds of Fate which carry me to my doom!" are out of the question.
(*Don't you go picking on me for modifying George Carlin; I saw the man live! I have license! I got his blessing and it came in the form of him splashing me with the echinacea honey herb tea he was drinking to soothe an itch in his throat the night of the performance. Part of this is true.)
(*Don't you go picking on me for modifying George Carlin; I saw the man live! I have license! I got his blessing and it came in the form of him splashing me with the echinacea honey herb tea he was drinking to soothe an itch in his throat the night of the performance. Part of this is true.)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I went to L.A. this weekend to visit friends. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Jen is dying in bed still. Poor girl. Too sick to go see gay cowboys with me! Haha... Anyway, I had fun this weekend before the beginning of school, but it was way too cold so we tried not to go out too much. It was a good time had inside though. Drinking, nintendo, tv, and some very good food.
Other than that, nothing exciting to report. School starts tomorrow, but I don't have class until Thursday.
Get better Jen!!! Heal quickly LeeAnn!!! and We miss you Lindsey!!!
Other than that, nothing exciting to report. School starts tomorrow, but I don't have class until Thursday.
Get better Jen!!! Heal quickly LeeAnn!!! and We miss you Lindsey!!!
Monday, January 16, 2006
My name is LeeAnn. I'm an addict.

Yes, folks, I have a habit. Addiction? Obssession? My own stupidity? Probably all of the above. Really, I abuse myself, the disc and the ground just help me along.

Maybe if schoolwork would leave me sweating, bruised, and bleeding, I'd like it better. Can you imagine? Ultimate French: every time the disc is caught, one must answer a question in French before the next throw. If the other team gets the disc to the endzone, one must do ten pushups while conjugating whatever verb the other team decides. If one conjugates incorrectly, it's another verb and ten more pushups. Dude. Sweet.
Raindrops on roses...
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Apocalyptic , but Hopeful
The past week has been one of fretting, disturbed sleep, physical exhaustion, and emotional frustration. Oh, and not to mention the unseasonably warm, sunny, and dry days we have had (50+ degrees?). Something was wrong with the universe this past week, but it looks like it is on a smooth, slightly outside in path to normalcy and comfort.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Hello, friends! I will be posting mostly here while I am in Spain. :-) But don't worry. I still love the Half What girls and if I have any scandalous stories, i'll post 'em here. Or nowhere.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Have you been making out okay?
Yes, it's true. I'm back at school, and I'm feeling it in all those ways that are pathetic to the calloused ear.
Today, I put on those heels and a new dress, a matching scarf and a cute jacket, a fleece hat and long underwear in an attempt to infuse the body that wore them with some spirit of sparkling novelty or tight-knit composure. Funny though, how easy it is to drop the hat on the floor, roll one's ankle in the cute heels, find the dress stuck by static to an unwary buttocks, and get stares for the trifecta of colors necessary to defend the legs above the boots from the cold (the socks, the long underwear, the leggings).
Fashion faux pas and haters aside, the end of the week will find me temporarily relieved (of the burden of a final essay which as of yet has yet to find its place in Thesisland). For now, I'll have to find some solace in Al Green's voice and try not to remember how his lover threw hot grits on his back while he was in the shower before she shot herself dead.
Today, I put on those heels and a new dress, a matching scarf and a cute jacket, a fleece hat and long underwear in an attempt to infuse the body that wore them with some spirit of sparkling novelty or tight-knit composure. Funny though, how easy it is to drop the hat on the floor, roll one's ankle in the cute heels, find the dress stuck by static to an unwary buttocks, and get stares for the trifecta of colors necessary to defend the legs above the boots from the cold (the socks, the long underwear, the leggings).
Fashion faux pas and haters aside, the end of the week will find me temporarily relieved (of the burden of a final essay which as of yet has yet to find its place in Thesisland). For now, I'll have to find some solace in Al Green's voice and try not to remember how his lover threw hot grits on his back while he was in the shower before she shot herself dead.
Monday, January 02, 2006
It's that time again...
It's really hard to enter a new year and not become really reflective upon the old one. Or maybe it's just my nostalgia acting up after watching one too many "I Love the 90s" episodes. I feel like a lot of things are coming around full circle, which is kind of strange in a cool way. That being said, I don't know if everything's just going to continue to connect or just burst apart. People coming, people returning, people leaving, everything just seems incredibly unpredictable, and I'm excited and scared to see how everything (and everyone) turns out.
My New Year's resolution last year was to become more self-confident and to not let people step all over me. It was a biggie, I know, and I'm not even sure if I acheived it. I definately feel a lot better about myself now than I did this time last year, but I can't tell if it's because I've personally become stronger or if I just ran away from my problems. I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt and say it was the former.
This year, as I was clinking martini glasses with two wonderful girls who I've known for way too long, I believe all three of us had trouble thinking of resolutions to make. I never really put that much stock in resolutions, even though I probably should since I like the idea of starting with a clean slate, so I said I wanted a drama-free year. It just takes too much out of me, and a tear-stained face is totally not a flattering look on me. It's a huge thing to hope for in the next year, but I've never been one to have low expectations.
So with ALL that said, here's to a new year *clink*
My New Year's resolution last year was to become more self-confident and to not let people step all over me. It was a biggie, I know, and I'm not even sure if I acheived it. I definately feel a lot better about myself now than I did this time last year, but I can't tell if it's because I've personally become stronger or if I just ran away from my problems. I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt and say it was the former.
This year, as I was clinking martini glasses with two wonderful girls who I've known for way too long, I believe all three of us had trouble thinking of resolutions to make. I never really put that much stock in resolutions, even though I probably should since I like the idea of starting with a clean slate, so I said I wanted a drama-free year. It just takes too much out of me, and a tear-stained face is totally not a flattering look on me. It's a huge thing to hope for in the next year, but I've never been one to have low expectations.
So with ALL that said, here's to a new year *clink*
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Massachusetts, here I come!
It seems appropriate to have something to say on the first day of the year, some grand word of commencement, something to sum up, size up, tie up, gag, and mysteriously make disappear all the things that have happened in the year past.
Well. All I can really think of is this: I'm terrifed, mortified, surely ready to be horrified--by all that's to come. Which isn't to say I'm inclined to stay where and when I am, just that I feel as though from here on out everything is going to be --or, ought to be-- rather epic.
I guess that's the best I can hope for, anyway.
Well. All I can really think of is this: I'm terrifed, mortified, surely ready to be horrified--by all that's to come. Which isn't to say I'm inclined to stay where and when I am, just that I feel as though from here on out everything is going to be --or, ought to be-- rather epic.
I guess that's the best I can hope for, anyway.
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