I, like Douglas Adams, am a huge fan of towels. They are by far the most under-utilized utility known to modern man. Simple to obtain, simple to maintain, simple to replace if the need arises. They can clean up messes, be used as wrapping to protect les choses fragiles; they can be tied up to suspend, dry off pool water and tears, they can be used for makeshift warmth when you crowd around the bonfire after a day in the ocean. They don't complain; they take abuse well. Even if frayed and dirtied, you may still rinse them, wring them, hang them on a rack where they will drip until dry, and there's nothing left, and they are ready to be reused.
si vous trouvez les traits de la serviette dans une personne si je serais desole.
"si vous trouvez les traits de la serviette dans une personne si je serais desole."
*nod nod*
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