A homeless-looking guy came up to me in westwood yesterday. I mean homeless-looking as in he had no teeth and smelled, because who can tell the difference between a hipster trying to look like he's homeless and someone who actually is homeless these days? He was carrying a tennis racket in his right hand and asked me "If you get hit in the head, can you get up?"
This is after I've been having really paranoid dreams about random people shooting at me. One of them was a clown and it was while he was getting off an elevator and I was planning on getting on. Almost comedic, I suppose. Anyways, this guy triggered all sorts of paranoia in my psyche and I end up being really direct with the guy, saying "you are NOT hitting in me in the head with that thing" and I ran off.
Honestly, being in LA, sometimes I feel like I just came off the bus from Kansas.
By the way, about the comic. It's completely unrelated to this post, but it made me laugh. I don't want you all thinking I'm a complete downer or anything. Any more Brian Regan fans out there?
The majority of whatlittle joy I derive from the theatre job comes from people saying "you too" when I tell them to enjoy the show.
haha, does that happen a lot?
At least 10 times a day. The best is the ones who realize it just after they finish saying it. Quickly they try and backpeddle by saying "you know when you see a movie".
i read pearls before swine every day! granted they're not always that good, but the ones that are are worth it.
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