Suckwagon, 2007 BUDA Summer League Champs: In some absurd twist of events, our 8th seeded summer league team won the Boston Ultimate Disc Alliance's summer tournament this past weekend in Devens. We're a bunch of Harvard alumni and students, and we are called Suckwagon. We cheer for dysentery and cholera because that's the stuff that kills you in Oregon Trail (a game in which, I am told, you ride in wagons). I call it an absurd twist of events because for most of the first day of the tournament, we felt and played like this... ZSRT has died of cholera. Here Lies ZSRT: This is a kid we call "Scuttle." I find that our Harvard teams aren't big on cheering and nicknaming, but a few names stick. Like this one. I think he is called Scuttle because one of his middle names is Sebastian, and Sebastian is a crab in the little mermaid. Speaking of mermaids... The East Coast: I discovered that East "Coast" is not figurative and that there are beaches, too. And some of them are glorious and lovely, like Singing Beach in Manchester-by-the-Sea. Granted, it costs a $5 entrance fee and an hour and a half of travel on the subway and commuter rail, but that's the price you pay when you live in a godforsaken place like this. I went out to Singing Beach three times (luxury!) this summer, where the water is frigid (brainfreezes from going under!) and there are no burritos nearby. However, there is... "Eat More Ice Cream": On the ten minute walk between the commuter rail station and Singing Beach is a little ice cream shack belonging to a one Captain Dusty. Not shown in the picture is the flag which commands passersby to "eat more ice cream." Fresh Frozen Chinese-Takeout: In spite of the captain's orders, my roommate and I tried to avoid consuming an all ice-cream diet. Pictured here is what appears to be Shaw's attempt at spicing up the frozen vegetables section. More sweets: My mom came to visit, and we hit up the best eats and sleeps of Boston and Cambridge--The Charles Hotel, Casablanca, Legal Seafood, Changsho, Henrietta's Table brunch, Upstairs on the Square, and of course, on the last night, Finale's for dessert and the appropriate dessert wine (here, a Muscat, I believe). Yellow fever: Went to Chicago, played frisbee, hung out with the Simpsons (and Lindsey!). Became a Simpson.
The Lube: I worked in a space known fondly as the Cube. It is part of the Media Lab at MIT. It looks like this. It is a Lab... in a Cube. By another absurd and welcome turn of events, I will keep working with this professor and possibly accompany him to his opening in Beijing next year. Fighting the power, lo-budge: We do wacky things like (clockwise from left) make Unmanned Aerial vehicles to track anti-immigrant vigilante groups on the U.S. - Mexico border, jackets which can be activated to shock aggressive attackers, and unmanned ground vehicles to protest outside Foster-Miller, maker of such military devices as SWORDS.DeWolfe: My humble abode. The first thing I did when I got to my humble abode was put up the things that reminded me of the good people back home.
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