Some photos that I took of Green Island and miscellaneous Taiwan hotspots.

Boats at the dock. These looked particularly shady and ready to sink. We hoped they were just for decoration.

A Goat on Green Island

The Green Island Memorial for Political Prisoners. Green Island used to be the KMT's
Alcatraz for locking up those who spoke or acted or thought against the government. This wasn't all that long ago; some of the names of currently prominent politicians, so on the wall of the memorial covered with names of past prisoners, these politicians' names shine from being rubbed over by tourists and admirers.

This was a sign outside the prison. I'm not sure why it says youth lost.

My cousin Steve looking at Goats on Green Island

In addition to goats, there are deer on Green Island. This is a deer having lunch.

After Green Island, we came back to the Eastern part of Taiwan, to "Ci Shang" or "On the Lake/Lakeside." We stayed near what was probably once a very pretty tourist attraction (as evidenced by the impressive photos of it in our hotel), but when we went out in the morning to take a looksee, it was broken down and in sad disrepair. There were uncared for animals, a horse that evidently had not had anything to drink or eat in a long time, his legs were covered in open sores and bleeding, a bunch of bleating goats, and I think there were supposed to be sheep somewhere. This is a statue of a lady whose story I've forgotten.
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