Last night, I had 20 oz. of Tsa something Chai tea at approximately 8:30 p.m. and was infused with the tense alertness that is caffeination until 1 a.m., when I allowed the buzz to fade into sleep. Now, I realize that the little cup of Earl Grey tea I spilled and then drank at breakfast is seeping through my muscles, but, zut alors, I am also infused with the nervousness that writingtwoessaysbeforenoononefortheadvocatecompandoneformyfirstexpositorywritingessay-ation. I have to focus. I have to fucosc. I ahve ot haifous.
i think you'll do amazing! and maybe if you're not too busy you can write me back.
Is that Baishi? If it is, I did write you back.
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