Saturday, October 01, 2005

There have been many moments in the past few months where i've stopped, taken a step back, and wondered, "Is this really happening?" Most of the time it is really happening, and most of the time I determine that it was bound to happen that way. Like a few months ago when I was tipsy-stumbling-home-late and recieved two calls from two people who don't call often. Or when I found myself sipping-a-beer-talking-late with a longtime crush. Of course these things happen.

And then there was this morning, when I was groggy-easing-into-a-street-parking-space and suddenly heard myself scream as a car from nowhere slammed into me. My front bumper has seen better days and I can't for the life of me find those hazy, misplaced memories. Of course...these things happen.

And they cost my whole summer income to fix.

But as they say, at least i'm okay.


juli said...

When did you get crashed into?

lindsey said...

7 am, Sat

Me! said...

Why do you have to pay for it?

lindsey said...

they had the right of way...even if the other car was speeding or doing something illegal, i don't remember enough to prove it

Me! said...

oh no... i'm so sorry.