Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm that editor I hated freshman and sophomore year. The one who changes my story to the point that it's barely recognizeable. The one that calls me five times to check facts, and jokes with the other editors while i'm sitting there waiting and when I leave. I'm the editor that runs out to get Freebirds for dinner and can't remember my name.

The point is, that i'm an editor. And the little reporter whose story I read today told me I was a lot nicer than any of the editors she's worked with before. I'm ready for more.

PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEEANN (a bit late...) Let's all wish her a big Boston birthday! :-)


juli said...

way to comment on the fact that today's actually jen's bday... ya jerk

Me! said...

Haha, it's alright, Linds jumped the gun and called me a day early, thinking monday was the 18th.

leeann said...

I don't got the cojones to be a writer no more. I think I'm going to give up creative and journalistic writing altogether and resort to English writing only out of annoyed necessity when I need to publish my findings in Cognitive Science and Neurolinguistics. Or on the history of Africa. Maybe I'll forsake the English language altogether and talk in grammatically incorrect French and electronic musical composition.