Saturday, November 06, 2004

Bush became president (dont' even THINK about debating whether or not this is good in the comments or i will personally come and kick your ass, no one cares about your point of view, especially not me), my chem lab midterm sucked, and caused me to be 10 mintues late to my spanish midterm that i had right after, causing me to miss the entire audio section, my fucking inconsiderate horny roommate sexiled me at the very last minute so i couldn't get my stuff out (plus she hooked up with a friend of ours, this is going to get really messy), someone was really impatient and took my laundry out of the washer and dryer and put it on some coutner somewhere when i came down less than 5 minutes after it was done (i caught her doing it, and she just looked me and dropped my stuff on the floor...bitch), and i don't understand physics at all to the point that i need to go home tommorrow and look at some stuff from harvie's class.

i had a bad week, big deal.

oh yeah, and i know i'm being whiny, and i know my post was all one sentence... i don't care. you don't like it, go fuck yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


and the last anonymous comment was from me, too.
