Thursday, November 18, 2004

I have a bad habit that's developed over the past few weeks of this dragging quarter. I fall asleep. In high school I used to be proud of the fact that I never fell asleep in class. In college, well, I can contend with the best of them. And it's not just in class. It's in meetings, during movies, and at work while i'm staring at the computer. It's not like I overtly fall asleep all the time, that's reserved only for my 3:30 to 4:45 class on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of the time my eyes blink closed, my head bobs, I get that sleepy feeling, and I can't for the life of me stay alert. I blame it on triathlon practice at 7 a.m. every morning. I blame it on my roommate and going to bed late. I blame it on the Nexus. I blame it on my social life. But it's not like I can stop doing any of these things.

Today, my longest day, I made a campaign of staying awake. I woke up for practice, after talking myself out of it at 6:30 and then thinking better of it at 6:35. I didn't fall asleep while riding my bike. I made it through Spanish by munching on carrots. This is a feat because usually when I wake up for practice, I can't make it through Spanish. Yay for carrots. I made it through English, as I usually do, simply because it's interesting and important. My professor talks in such a way as to sound like he's building to a point that never actually comes. He lectures slowly and deliberately, pausing often, and I hang on his words thinking that the ends of his sentances are going to be more exciting then they actually turn out to be. I fell asleep in Art Studio discussion this afternoon. We were talking about reality and fiction and I couldn't help but slip into the fictional space of my delirious half-asleep dreams. I'm still there taking unintelligeable notes, even listening to the discussion that's taking place, it all makes sense when I'm doing it but none of it makes sense afterwards. My notes are creepy and scrawling, I don't remember writing them or what the words refer to. I did make it through English honors discussion, maybe because the professor was sitting next to me, maybe because I was looking foward the whole time to these two-and-a-half free hours I have before I go run out again.

I'm going to sleep a lot over Winter Break (yeah, right), so maybe when I come back next quarter i'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from 6:30 in the morning to 12:00 at night, and 3:00 on weekends when I have fun and Monday nights when I work. Or maybe i'll just munch on carrots all the time and turn orange.

1 comment:

juli said...

sleep rocks my socks!! I can't wait for winter break!