Thursday, September 22, 2005

I went into Borders today for the first time since I started working at Barnes&Noble. Granted, I snuck in to use the bathroom, but that didn't stop me from looking around a bit. It's a nice store, i'll give it that, and the amendities of working there include proximity to campus, lax to no dress code, books and music, better parking, higher pay (I hear)... the list goes on. However, I do feel that their prices are slightly ridiculous, and their system of book organization is highly confusing and disorderly in comparison to B&N. I like the more sophisticated feel at B&N with the classical music, business casual, and intelligent, knowledgeable staff members (that's me). So in conclusion, I agree with what the someone that once told me B&N is for old people who are smart and love books while Borders is for the more hip generation of folks who dabble in books and music and make a lot of money at their cushy jeans and a t shirt-type jobs.

I'd consider working at Borders because i'm hip and down with convenience, but i'd buy a nice book over a CD any day, and if I have no choice but to go to a corporate book store when i'm old, i'll choose B&N.

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