Tuesday, September 13, 2005

While procrastinating my insanely insane amounts of work, I turned on the word verification thing for our posts so hopefully that will help. Sorry I've been slacking lately. School is just really intense this semester. I can barely keep up with all my work and sleep and a night of socializing per weekend along with posting on here! Excuses, excuses... but seriously, I don't know if I'm gonna make it through. I'm trying my bestest and seriously questioning my career as an accountant.


Me! said...

just be comforted by the fact that i don't have to deal with that until october... oh wait, that thought comforts me, not you. whoops :).
but seriously good luck with all that work, and remember to breath.

lindsey said...

It's good for you to deal with lots of activity. It's good to question your career and it's good for sleep to be at a premium - that means you'll appreciate it more. I guess it depends how you look at it, but hopefully things will ease up soon. Hang in there!

juli said...

Thanks, you girls are so supportive.